Tuesday, March 13, 2007 |
Dressing the Part |
Business Casual. It can mean so many things. To most of the places I've worked it's meant just that. Look presentable should a client, author, or executive come in, but wearing a blazer to work would be taken as a sign that you were looking elsewhere and had an interview that day.
Not the place of new employ. Oh no. They say business casual, they mean business. I've somehow managed to find a nonprofit organization that is more corporate than most major corporations I've worked for.
At first, it kinda irked me. Mainly because it meant I had to go out and buy new clothes (thank God for that raise). Suddenly I'm wearing more skirts than I thought possible. I've had to relearn how to walk in heels. I've been digging dress pants I forgot I had off the top shelves of closets.
But you know what? There might actually be something to this dress code thing. I'm feeling more confident, more competent, more, I don't know ... dare I say it, professional. Like I actually deserve the sweet office with the amazing view that somehow got bestowed upon me.
At first I thought this newfound energy and excitement were from simply, you know, finding employment. But I really do feel great walking out the door all dressed up every day. Sure, I am positive that a few months from now I'm really going to miss wearing jeans on Fridays. But then again, in the last two days, I've had four different men actually tell me I could be a movie star/actress/model. And who wouldn't love that?!
(and no, I am not going to mention that three of them were over the sixty mark and the fourth was one of our cafeteria food service guys ... a compliment is a compliment, damnit!)Labels: misc., work |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, March 13, 2007   |
Monday, March 12, 2007 |
The Reason I Got Cable ... |
... Ok, so there are many reasons I finally caved and signed up for cable. I could finally afford it. I'd worn all my dvds out. Netflix can only be your lone source of television for so long. But this? THIS? CLEARLY THE BEST REASON!
What is it you ask? It's the fact that I am currently watching Tim Wakefield throw to Jason Giambi during a Spring Training game. And I'm not at the bar to do it. No, I am sitting on my bed, sporting my Papelbon t-shirt, waiting for my dinner to be ready.
God this is great.
Some notes on the game (and I am sure I will add to this as it continues): * Tim Wakefield will turn 41 this season. I could care less. Tim's always going to be my guy, as irrational as that may be. But the age thing wouldn't bother me regardless or my irrational love for the knucleball. It just doesn't take as much for Wake to throw as it would a fastball pitcher. * Ok, I was going to continue with that point, but terrible tag attempt by Mirabelli there. Top of the first, hit that gets past Youks but that Pedroia knocks down. His throw home was on line, but Mirabelli's tag was halfhearted and in the middle of the plate. Breathe deep, Finy. It's spring training. Middle first, it's 3-0 Yankees. * I really need to make it down to the City of Palms Park at some point in my life. The Welshman has gone down there three times, and I've been taunted every single time via text messages and picture texts. But to see it in photos and on television, it really does look like a fantastically relaxed way to watch some baseball. * So I've started reading this blog called Why Don't We Get Drunk and Blog, this guy is just hilarious. Why is this relevant to the game? He recently wrote a post about Carl Pavano's girlfriend, who just pitched a scoreless bottom of the first. Check out the picture. Her breasts defy gravity! * Wakefield gives up a lead-off tripple in the top of the second. So many extremely high numbers playing in this game. Apparently this kid's name is Basak. That lends itself to a nickname that is just too easy. But the Sox get out of the inning without allowing anyone to score. Still 3-0. *After Manny strikes out looking, I get my first actual look at JD Drew in a Sox uniform. He lines out to center but it was well hit. Still not used to thinking of him as a member of the team, but that's what spring training is for. * Oh God, even during Spring Training the Yes announcers suck. They're talking about the "dividing line" in CT that divides Red Sox Nation and Yankee territory. I want to punch them. * Oh dear lord, two batters later and they're still talking about the damn dividing line. * Ah, the first time I want to revoke someone's tickets for sitting behind the batter, talking on the cell phone, and waving at the camera. These people should be escorted from the park and never allowed to attend an MLB-related event ever again. * Mirabelli makes up for the lazy tag earlier by doubling into the left-field corner bringing in two runs (Crisp and Lowell). 3-2 Yankees. Bottom 2.
* Is this getting boring for anyone yet? Probably. Fuck it, I don't care, I'm having fun.
* Top third passes with the only real interesting thing being that Jason Giambi almost hit two homeruns. But instead just flied out. But I am going to admit something I probably shouldn't. Unless I see them pitching, or can see the numbers on their backs ... I can't really tell Matsuzaka and Okajima apart yet. * There are far too many Yankees fans in the park tonight. We were all just treated to a "Let's Go Yankees" "Let's Go Red Sox" back and forth chant. Hey Sox fans! Stop being so damn polite. Don't chant in time with them so that you're yelling when they're not. Drown them out damnit!! End of three, score still the same. * Bottom four, Rasner replaces Pavano. Yankees up 4-2 now. Hit to third base (no, I suck and didn't see who hit it. Lowell maybe, since Crisp came up next?). Seriously though, this third baseman's name is pronounced "Bay-sack". I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't a Yankee. * Donnelly in for the Sox now. He gets out of the top of five giving up a hit but no runs. Is anyone else worried about our pitching situation? Oh wait, everyone I know is. Nevermind. * Just googled why Pedroia wears number 64, a typically high number for a guy that is set up to be a starter this year. This is what I found from the Red Sox official site.
Another thing that has made Pedroia good is the useful chip that he carries on his shoulder. He uses it for motivation and it has gotten him this far. Perhaps that's why he is keeping No. 64 -- a number typically used for September callups -- on his back for now. * Ok, I've officially run out of interesting things to say. And I am willing to bet that most of you don't think that any of that actually WAS interesting. So let's just leave it at ... I'm really excited to be watching baseball again. Go Sox.Labels: Boston, Red Sox |
posted by FINY @ Monday, March 12, 2007   |
Sunday, March 04, 2007 |
Blogging From Starbucks |
I am currently watching the NESCAC Men's Hockey championships online. In Starbucks.
This is interesting only because my little brother is playing in the game. And are down 3-1 at the beginning of the third period.
And I am trying DESPERATELY not to scream at the computer screen.
While at the same time, trying to flirt with a relatively cute guy who sat down with me at the table, happens to be from Maine, just a few miles from where my brother goes to school, and is a Sox fan.
Talk about multitasking.Labels: misc. |
posted by FINY @ Sunday, March 04, 2007   |
Thursday, March 01, 2007 |
I'm A New Yorker |
It's official people, I'm staying in New York. I have accepted the position of Online Content Manager for a nonprofit here in the Big Apple that works for a cause that I happen to not only feel strongly about, but am also personally connected to.
This was a tough one. Up until a few days ago, I was completely convinced that I was ready to move to Boston. I was. I thought I would have no problem uprooting my life, and hauling ass up to the city I always said I would move back to.
And then something happened ... I got the offer down here ...
Suddenly, there really was an option for me to stay in New York. I wouldn't HAVE to leave. I could make the choice. And thinking about moving suddenly made my heart hurt. Sure, the position up in Boston was better for my career, but it turns out, faced with the reality of leaving a city I always said I'd leave ... I wasn't ready to do it.
So it came down to what was going to make me happiest. And while the decision was hard, harder than any I've probably had to make to this point, I know I made the right one. Turns out I am NOT a Bostonian who just happens to be living in New York as I previously thought. Turns out, I'm a New Yorker with the heart of a Bostonian. A small distinction, but an important one.
It was a really stressful last 48 hours. Lots of phone calls. Lots of worry. In the end, the Boston position wasn't even offered to me. Not because they didn't want me, but because they couldn't afford me. So while I had already made the decision to turn them down (though it was a decision that I was wavering on at times), in the end, I didn't even have to make it.
But I AM very happy with the position I took. It's a sizable raise over what I was making in my last position - something I was not at all expecting. They seem like a good group to work with, and like I said, it's a great cause (though I am not going to go any deeper into that since, well, I probably shouldn't mention EXACTLY where I am working). It's going to challenge me, push my writing, and my career. The benefits are fantastic, the location is amazing, the list goes on and on.
So a week from today, I will no longer be unemployed. Now who wants to celebrate with me?!Labels: NYC, Unemployment |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, March 01, 2007   |
Update ... |
Well, the deadline for the decision was pushed back. I now have until noon. Still some phone calls that need to be made, and discussions that need to be had. I'd post something more coherent, but all I want to talk about is this job issue, and I can't talk about it yet!
Soon, dear readers, soon.
**update on the update ... this is driving me insane. Waiting for the phone to ring. Juggling the two positions. I am going nuts. Pacing the floor. Noon really can't come soon enough. I think I am going to have a heart attack.Labels: Unemployment |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, March 01, 2007   |