Thursday, February 07, 2008 |
Worse and Then Better |
For a little while today, I got to concentrate on baseball. Not for great reasons, mind you, but at least I was reminded that the season was close. I've already got three sets of tickets to Fenway (thank you six hours of virtual waiting room hell a few weeks ago), and yesterday I received an email letting me know that I had won the lottery for the opportunity to buy Opening Day or Yankees tickets at Fenway as well (what can I say, I'm just a lucky SOB).
And then this evening, as I am heading out of the office, I see this. A window on the Lexington Side of Bloomingdales. It's like I ALMOST get past it, and then it just gets rubbed in my face all over again.
But I will say that stopping to take this photo led to an entertaining story. A guy walked up to me and smiled and said, "Giants fan?". I explained that no actually, I was just trying to prove to people how hard it was to be a Patriots fans in NYC with stuff like this window around all the time.
"Next you're going to tell me you're a Red Sox fan too!" he laughed.
"Well, yeah, actually I am."
He starts laughing that oh-get-a-load-of-this-girl laugh, and says "Ok, well, uh, Buckner!"
"Yeah well," he trailed off. "Maybe the Giants will have reversed the New York curse."
And that, that right there, was enough to send me heading down the subway steps with a smile on my face.Labels: NYC, Patriots, Red Sox |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, February 07, 2008   |
It is the most cathartic thing. This really only hurts for one season. It's not the devastating your team will never win defeat of yesteryear. However apparently we have idiots like the CFB Simmons saying how this is advantage NY.
Hmmm... okay.
The answer is 3 Super Bowls wins and 2 World Series wins versus 0 Championships since 2000.
What is advantage Boston Alex? (If you want to get into BS like that)
I'm still truly astounded that these Yankee fan morons still think that words like "Buckner" and "boone" still hurt us.
Then again, I'm not shocked by the stupidity of the average MFY fan...
I put up a post on my blog on Sunday about two truly stupid Giants/Yankees fans' letters to the NY Post about how "the curse" is back on Boston.
Piss off the Omnipotent Q, and prepare to suffer the consequences...
Actually, NYC is a GREAT Place to root for Our Beloved Red Sox:
Especially @ Professor Thom's & The Hairy Monk, the BEST Beers are sold, ones you can't get anywhere else;
& Aaron Boone wouldn't be playing today, if it wasn't for his Father, Bob Boone in the Washington Nationals Front Office;
Let The Yankthese Fans rage on in Idiotic Jealousy, as The Roided Roger, is part of their legacy.
& I'll be @ Fenway Park on April 20th, vs Texas:
I think that used to be the Team, which GW Bush Sold @ a Profit
I feel kind of like Bill Simmons-I have to remind myself who won that Super Bowl sometimes-the outcome was so preordained.
I mean, kicking off to Eli Manning, late in the fourth quarter, with a lead? Who thinks that isn't safe?
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It is the most cathartic thing. This really only hurts for one season. It's not the devastating your team will never win defeat of yesteryear. However apparently we have idiots like the CFB Simmons saying how this is advantage NY.
Hmmm... okay.
The answer is 3 Super Bowls wins and 2 World Series wins versus 0 Championships since 2000.
What is advantage Boston Alex? (If you want to get into BS like that)