Thursday, March 01, 2007 |
I'm A New Yorker |
It's official people, I'm staying in New York. I have accepted the position of Online Content Manager for a nonprofit here in the Big Apple that works for a cause that I happen to not only feel strongly about, but am also personally connected to.
This was a tough one. Up until a few days ago, I was completely convinced that I was ready to move to Boston. I was. I thought I would have no problem uprooting my life, and hauling ass up to the city I always said I would move back to.
And then something happened ... I got the offer down here ...
Suddenly, there really was an option for me to stay in New York. I wouldn't HAVE to leave. I could make the choice. And thinking about moving suddenly made my heart hurt. Sure, the position up in Boston was better for my career, but it turns out, faced with the reality of leaving a city I always said I'd leave ... I wasn't ready to do it.
So it came down to what was going to make me happiest. And while the decision was hard, harder than any I've probably had to make to this point, I know I made the right one. Turns out I am NOT a Bostonian who just happens to be living in New York as I previously thought. Turns out, I'm a New Yorker with the heart of a Bostonian. A small distinction, but an important one.
It was a really stressful last 48 hours. Lots of phone calls. Lots of worry. In the end, the Boston position wasn't even offered to me. Not because they didn't want me, but because they couldn't afford me. So while I had already made the decision to turn them down (though it was a decision that I was wavering on at times), in the end, I didn't even have to make it.
But I AM very happy with the position I took. It's a sizable raise over what I was making in my last position - something I was not at all expecting. They seem like a good group to work with, and like I said, it's a great cause (though I am not going to go any deeper into that since, well, I probably shouldn't mention EXACTLY where I am working). It's going to challenge me, push my writing, and my career. The benefits are fantastic, the location is amazing, the list goes on and on.
So a week from today, I will no longer be unemployed. Now who wants to celebrate with me?!Labels: NYC, Unemployment |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, March 01, 2007   |
Let me be the first to say congrats and hell yea!!
Congrats! I am also starting my job next week! Goodluck to you.
Glad to hear you're staying in NYC, FiNY. I would have been very sad to see you move away.
I'm always in the mood to celebrate. name the time and place!
Congrats again on the new position.You always have to Keep The Faith that things will work out for the best...
:) is it an organization that I would support? ;) Send me an email :)
You just have to keep getting laid off like this and soon you'll be making MEGABUCKS!!!
let me know when the prof. thoms thing is!
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Let me be the first to say congrats and hell yea!!