Monday, February 05, 2007 |
3 Homes |
There are three places in this world that will always feel like home to me. Rhode Island. Boston. And New York. Rhode Island will always be home, but it's a place I could never move back to (sorry Mom). New York, well it's been home for going on five years now. And Boston? I may have only called Boston home for 4 years, but it's where my heart will always be. And where I plan to move back to. Eventually.
But what if eventually were to come sooner rather than later? What if NOW is eventually? Am I ready for that? Suddenly my head is spinning, my heart is torn in two directions, and I have absolutely no idea what to do about it.
See, there's this job in Boston. This Director of Communications job in Boston, and as of tomorrow morning, I will officially be an applicant for said job.
It's something I had pondered for weeks. DTR happens to work there and over the weekend while visiting her I met her boss while watching the Super Bowl (and no, I won't talk about that here, but I will say that the wrong quarterback got the MVP award - Grossman won that game for the Colts). She's wonderful. The job I'm applying for is everything I've been looking for. More even.
But it's in the wrong city.
Then again ... is it really the wrong city? I've spent weeks trying to figure it out in my head. I love New York, I love Boston, I've made pro and con lists, I've thought and thought and thought. And I just have no idea.
It's a conundrum I don't technically have to worry about right now. I would only need to worry about it if I was offered the job and hell, I haven't even been offered an interview yet. But it's amazing what a mind fuck this has been already. Just thinking about it.
They say that home is where the heart is. What happens if your heart's in two places?Labels: Boston, NYC, Rhode Island |
posted by FINY @ Monday, February 05, 2007   |
Your heart can definitely be in two places. I think that for now you can have it in the back of your mind and consider things more if and when you go for an interview - not that they shouldn't want to hire you in a second!
I agree with Esther.
Also, it sounds as though this job - if offered to you - would be a great opportunity.
I'm also a believer that all things happen for a reason. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you; who knows, maybe we could finally meet up for a drink or two if you make it back this way!
Just remember home isn't only where the heart is its where your heart is. Boston, NY, Podunk arkansas, home is what you make of it, and it sounds wheverer you are it will take some time but that to will feel like home.
I will give no pressure. But we sure wouldn't mind having you here. Go where the best oppertunity is, reguardless of where the better baseball team is. Heh.
Yea, I work here... and I'd welcome the opportunity to work with you again, of course. But you've got to do the right thing for you - whatever that is. That being said... Tom's right. We really wouldn't mind having you up here.
This is my problem too. I love Boston, but I'm thinking it may be high time for a change since rent sucks, the T sucks, the men suck and my job sucks and I'm looking just about everywhere. But I lurve Boston and my friends are here.
Again, mindfuck.
Really, all my comments to you can be boiled down to "yup."
Would be sorry not to have you here in the city. But if this job is as good as you say, how can you turn it down?
Yeah tough choices FINY. Hopefully you get the chance to make the choice. Here's to you getting a job interview and a job offer.
I've started to wonder what would happen if I needed to move for a job or something. I haven't come to a spot where I really need to know yet. Hopefully I never have to make the choice. Good luck
When it rains it pours. I had an interview yesterday. I have an interview today. I've got one Monday in Boston, and one Wednesday of next week back here in NYC.
The T stops at 1 AM:
MTA NYC Transit Authority runs 24/7;
Bars close at 4AM;
Good Luck, FiNY;
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Your heart can definitely be in two places. I think that for now you can have it in the back of your mind and consider things more if and when you go for an interview - not that they shouldn't want to hire you in a second!