Thursday, July 27, 2006 |
Zoom! |
My name is Zoom and I live on the moon, and I came downt to earth just to sing you this tune. Hey Finy, it's your birthday, TODAY!
Every year for as long as I can remember, those lyrics have woken me up on the morning of my birthday, and this morning was no different. At 7:30 this morning the voice of a small martian sung to me via my mother's cell phone.
That's right everyone, it's Finy's birthday. Between the birthday party last weekend, MM buying me a birthday lunch this afternoon, The Twin planning some sort of surprise for the evening (I was only give clothing tips: comfortable. And I know it's outside.), and DTR taking me out to lunch next week, this is turning into a seriously drawn out birthday - but I'm not complaining!
But I would just like to take a second to thank my Mom today. It's been ridiculously hot the last couple days and I can't imagine that being 9-months pregnant in July of 1980 was all that comfortable. I LOVE YOU MOM.Labels: family, friends, misc. |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, July 27, 2006   |
Happy birthday and thanks for the flashback to my childhood....I used to play the David version of the record over and over and over...
"You say it's your birthday, Gonna have a good time...."
On January 4, 1987, my 25th birthday, I went into my job at Tower Records and my friends played The Beatles "Birthday," as I walked in the door. I was great, and I'll never forget it. It must be great to have your own birthday jingle you hear every year!!
I hope you are enjoying your extended birthday celebration, FiNY!!! Happy Actual Birthday!!
Party On!
A Grand B'Day To You!
happy birthday lady! my mom was 8 months pregnant herself in july of 1980 - with me :) and every year, she reminds me of oh how hot it was...
Happy Birthday :)
I hope it's a fabulous one!s
Or, if I wasn't having problems typing, that would've been:
I hope it's a fabulous one!
Have a very happy birthday!! Hope all your wishes for the year come true.
hooray for you!! happy birthday... or at least the two hours that's left of it!!!!
hope it was a good one!
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