Tuesday, July 11, 2006 |
One Sweet Show, Pt. II |
After leaving the Pour House, The Welshman and I headed over to Boston Billiards to meet my high school friends before going into the show. THIS is where the wheels fell off. A very quick beer and two shots later, we were headed into Fenway. I am still convinced that it was those two shots, which were my second and third within an hour and a half, were my downfall. And I think the picture of the Welshman speaks for itself:

But once inside Fenway, I was absolutely giddy. Though many of the male members of our group were not exactly excited to see Sheryl Crow perform, I really enjoy her music and she played a solid set (though I think we missed a few songs waiting in line to get onto Yawkey Way).

The break between Crow and DMB gave me a chance to look around the park, kind of take it all in. One of my favorite parts of the entire day was the Green Monster, which spelled out Dave Matthews Band (you can click on these pictures to make them bigger by the way):

The break also gave the Welshman enough time to start planning to jump over the barrier onto the infield just so he could roll around on it. The idea being that the one scrawny security guy on our side of the field probably wouldn't do much damage to him.

And then, it was time, Dave came out, and I lost all track of well, everything. They played a great set list, most notably, a fantastic cover of Sweet Caroline, which was just so venue appropriate I couldn't stand it. During that song, as I am prone to do, I called The Twin, said absolutely nothing, but held the phone up for him to listen to the song. After about 30 seconds he hung up. Which made total sense as I had called him before we got to Boston Billiards, warning of how that would most likely happen, and telling him to feel free to just hang up.
But I told him that when I was relatively sober. I have now been drinking for somewhere around 5 hours. So all throughout the show I am texting him. Telling him I'm so sorry I was calling and texting too much and that I promised I'd stop. But of course I didn't. Instead I KEPT texting about how sorry I was. And in my totally wasted state, I was upset. No good reason, just upset. Hell he even texted me back and told me it was fine. At the time, I totally didn't believe it.
That small issue aside, the show really was amazing. They opened with One Sweet World, one of my favorites, and closed with Two Step as an encore. And in all honesty, they could have played all their hits, and only their hits, and even though I HATE it when they do that, I still would have been happy as a pig in shit. I was at Dave Matthews at Fenway Park, it just doesn't get much better than that.

 Labels: Boston, drinking, friends, music, photos |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, July 11, 2006   |
Was it REALLY necessary to post that picture of me. I look like some kind of rodent.
Hey, did you get a haircut?
This is war. Just wait to see some of the pictures of you going up on my blog this week. Actually I may wait until the party when you're covered in vomit and crawling on the floor in the corner trying to climb into your own show
Can I say... as someone who's never met you, but reads your blog... it's so weird to see pictures of you without a RedSox cap. Like, wow, you have a forehead?
And you've always got that big ol' smile on your face. You must be awesome to know in person.
Hope at least one of those shots was for me ..
So incredibly jealous.
But glad you had a good time.
If you come back for the Sox outing in a few weeks, have a great time. Sorry I won't be joining you - would've been great to chat for a bit.
I wanted to see Sheryl Crow and I was one of your male atendants.
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Was it REALLY necessary to post that picture of me. I look like some kind of rodent.