Thursday, July 06, 2006 |
There's No Crying at the Movies! |
Last night, The Twin and I decided to go see the new Adam Sandler movie, Click. I was in the mood for something light and brainless, and really, isn't that why Adam Sandler exists? There's nothing like Happy Gilmore or Mr. Deeds to zone out to and have a good laugh. And the previews for Click looked absolutely hilarious.
What I wasn't expecting was to be sitting in the packed theater crying towards the end of the movie. Seriously, I mean come on. As I was sitting there, tears running down my face, head planted firmly on The Twin's shoulder so he couldn't see what a freaking sap I am (like he doesn't know that already but whatever) thinking "Pull it together woman, you're crying at a fucking ADAM SANDLER movie." It was just not right!
I mean, luckily there were others in the theater who were crying as well, and admitedly the movie does take a decidedly heavy turn, but holy false advertising Batman! Completely not what I expected.Labels: movies |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, July 06, 2006   |
I totally didn't know that about the movie. Good to know if I do end up seeing it.
You can't look me in the eye and tell me you didn't get choked up when Chubbs' wooden hand got run over, so don't act all cool, like it's weird to cry at an Adam Sandler movie...;-)
I haven't seen the film and I probably never will, unless it's to see Kate Beckinsale, but you're the first person I know to have seen it and not thought it was the biggest pile of wank to hit screens this year. Still Kate Beckinsale really is lovely.
Had a similar experience in regards to false advertising with "The Break Up".
The movie is hilarious, but there really are some brutal brutal scenes in there. Plus the ending is not what you would expect, but I'm glad it ended the way it did.
My ex (that's still weird) used to adore/love/obsess over Vince Vaughn. Needless to say it was dampened by seeing his performance in this film. Not because his performance was bad, but because he played the asshole dick so well in places.
Still great film. Click was one of the films I was amibvalent about seeing so it's nice to know it has this heavy handed aspect in it.
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I totally didn't know that about the movie. Good to know if I do end up seeing it.