Tuesday, June 20, 2006 |
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I've really fallen down on the job baseball wise. It's been forever since I've blogged about my beloved Red Sox. So what better way to get back into it than to welcome back one of my favorite members of the 2004 World Series team, Gabe Kapler?
 After a brief stint in Japan, and an even briefer comeback to the Red Sox before rupturing his Achilles rounding second base last season, Gabe Kapler is finally back with the Sox. He went 2 for 4 last night with a double and an RBI. I caught his first AB of the night while waiting to meet up with friends for dinner, and was so happy to see everyone at Fenway on their feet.
As it happened, The Welshman turned to me and asked "Is there anymore beloved backup player?" Probably not. Well, maybe Doug Mirabelli. Even Kapler's return couldn't top that one. But I think it says something about Sox fans that we hold even our bench players so close to our hearts. And no, it's not just because this one happens to be aptly nicknamed "Gabe the Babe".
I think Kapler himself put it best in an article in today's Boston Globe:
``We have the best, and, to be more specific, the classiest fans in all of sports," said Kapler, who took Trot Nixon's spot in right field and batted eighth against the Nationals last night. ``And the reason I say that is because they recognize and care about hard work as well as people, human beings. Contributions [from players] other than superstars. They recognize every player on the roster."
And it's true. At least for me. One of the things I love about Kapler is that he seems like one of those guys who's just so happy to be with the team. Ok, so perhaps it took an lack-luster stint overseas to really make him realize it, but even when he left you got the feeling that he was truly going to miss Boston. He's never bitched about his role, he's never complained about his playing time. He knows he's got a specific duty in this lineup, and he's willing to do what he needs to for the team. Or at least that's the impression I get, it's not like I know the guy.
Regardless, for a player who's only been with the team for a few years, Kapler has completely won me over. Welcome back, Gabe, welcome back.Labels: Boston, Red Sox, sports |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, June 20, 2006   |
firstly, i like gabe too. i'm sorry i missed his fenway ovation - i was too busy to even watch sportscenter at all yesterday. i actually remember being at one of his first games w/ the sox at fenway (was it even his very first game, maybe)? where he hit two homeruns. we were all like, wowza, who is this guy?
secondly, and i hate to even say it, but do you think he's been on the juice?
thirdly, do you have an "email me" link on here? if so, i couldn't find it, but i wanted to ask you about something, and it's longer and more tangential than should be in a comment thread :) if you're up for that, just drop me a line at acatandtwenty@gmail.com.
Ah, the Welcome-Back-Gabe-Kotter references are so refreshing... I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly love them.
But I must say that "Gabe the Babe" is a piss-poor nickname compared to Jose Melendez's "The World's Most Perfectly Sculpted Jew."
I don't think it took him the trip to Japan to realise it - he always loved playing in Boston. He just wanted to go over there to get the chance to play every day and see if he could be an everyday player.
Fenway fans never, ever stop showing their class, and last night was a great example of that. It was one of those moments that makes you proud to be a Red Sox fan.
Welcome back Mr. Kapler. We missed you.
Kate.d: you were at that game? so jealous! As for whether I think he was/is on the juice, I really don't think he's into that. He was a professional body builder, and their drug testing standards are WAY higher than the MLB rules. Plus it's not like he bulked up out of nowhere, it's been a pretty steady level.
And I just emailed you, but for whoever wants to email me at any point, it's Soxfaninnyc@gmail.com. Somewhere between templates my email me link got lost.
Jack Roy: Yeah, "Gabe the babe" seems somehow lacking now that I've seen that one!
Welshman: I meant that maybe it took that to get him to realize that being that kind of role player, and NOT playing every day, wasn't a terrible thing.
The Q: How right you are.
Re: Gabe and Roids
Kapler is very outspoken about steroids and constantly calls for more stringent testing. As cynical as I've become about steroid use in MLB, Gabe is one of the few remaining players whom I would be legitimately shocked if he was a user.
that's good to know about gabe's stance on the steroids thing. i knew he was kind of a "my body is my temple" guy, so i doubted whether he'd be on the juice, but then again, you never can tell.
Finy, nice to see you get back to hardball, after playing it (apparently) so well with the Twin...
We need your Hard Hitting Commentary, FiNY:
Something was missing;
Welcome Back!
So yeah, how about that series with the Twins? :O) Now if only someone would FREAKING beat the damn ChiSox and Tigers!!!
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firstly, i like gabe too. i'm sorry i missed his fenway ovation - i was too busy to even watch sportscenter at all yesterday. i actually remember being at one of his first games w/ the sox at fenway (was it even his very first game, maybe)? where he hit two homeruns. we were all like, wowza, who is this guy?
secondly, and i hate to even say it, but do you think he's been on the juice?
thirdly, do you have an "email me" link on here? if so, i couldn't find it, but i wanted to ask you about something, and it's longer and more tangential than should be in a comment thread :) if you're up for that, just drop me a line at acatandtwenty@gmail.com.