Tuesday, June 06, 2006 |
From Dandelions to Roses |
A belated weekend wrap up.
Friday night began with three single ladies going out to the movies to watch The Breakup. The movie surprised me, it was funny and poignant, and the ending was nothing short of spectacular. I would love to elaborate more, but well, I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it.
What I will say, is that it's possible that seeing that movie wasn't the best idea for me. The fighting between Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston was incredibly real. They were the kind of relationship fights that everyone has, with stuttering, miscommunications, frustrations. I was really impressed with the whole thing. But it hit a little too close to home. One line in particular really got to me. Aniston's character is lamenting to friends over the breakup and she says something to the effect of "All I ever wanted was to feel like he appreciated me."
That line, that one line, nearly made me tear up. See, when The Twin and I broke it off, I had been getting frustrated. I had told him I loved him back in February, a sentiment which wasn't returned. But that's not what was frustrating me. Though I doubt he believed it, that really didn't bother me at all. I've always been of the mind that people get to different stages at different times (and it should be noted that NONE of my friends could believe that I really was, honestly, ok with him not saying he loved me back). What was frustrating me was exactly the idea that Aniston's character was trying to portray. I didn't feel appreciated.
So what are three single girls to do after an evening out on "date night" to a movie about a breakup? Well, what else? Head to Tastidelight! And as we sat there, bitching about men, watching the rain, listening to, I shit you not, some of the cheesiest sappy sad soundtrack of all time, and gazing at our beautiful centerpiece of an empty waterbottle and some dying dandelions, my phone rings.
It's crazy wedding boy.
Now he and I had talked on Wednesday. He had left me a message and I just felt so damn bad for the poor guy, that I called him back. We talked for a while, he invited himself to NYC to visit me, I told him I was too busy, he told me he'd email me. When I ever saw his name come up on my caller ID I almost wanted to chuck my phone out the open door. Instead I showed the girls. And then one of them took the phone from me. This is what transpires as heard from my end of the conversation:
Hello? *silence* No, this is Emily, who's this? *silence* Oh, hi, well, um, yeah I don't know where she is. We just got out of a movie and I was holding her phone and she just disappeared. *silence* Well, ok, I'll tell her you called, but I am about to get her out drinking and once I get her double fisting I can't promise she'll do it. *silence* Sure, ok. Bye.
By now my other friend and I are in hysterics. Who calls a girl he barely knows at 10:30 on a Friday night? After repeatedly getting the brush off. It was just too much. (and as a side note, I also got a call last night. He was "just trying to track me down". Seriously, if I stop posting for an extended period of time, call the cops, Crazy Wedding Boy may have finally found me).
Saturday was in direct contrast to what Friday was. All of my high school friends gathered at yet another wedding and by God did we have a blast. It was like an old neighborhood reunion. There were people there who's kids I had babysat for when I was young, friends I hadn't seen in ages. We danced, drank, and ate our way through the evening, finally passing out from sheer exhaustion somewhere around 2am. Having learned my lesson from Crazy Wedding Boy, there were no men involved in my weekend other than my friends. Not making THAT mistake again.
So that's three weddings down, one more to go on June 24th. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, folks. I'm almost there.Labels: dating |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, June 06, 2006   |
Allright, My wife and I saw the movie, while it was funny, i just didn't think it was that great. Plus they made jon favreu into a not so beautiful baby.
The worst part of the hole thing was the lemons and how neither of them let it go. I know it was a metaphor but it was just lemons, it would have been different if it was the milk for the meal or something, but Jennifer Anniston could have been a touch flexible and just dealt with it and created a different centerpiece.
Well i am sure i am wrong about this, but the movie all most made it seem that the breakup was all the fault of the man in this movie, and while some of the time they do make women feel underappreaciated it can also and does often happen the other way around. The bottom line is if you can't communicate honestly with your wife/hustband/ signifigant other in no way should you be in a realtionship.
Now see, I didn't take it that way at all. I thought they were both clearly at fault. It's possible, well, probable, that I loved it solely because of the non-cop-out ending, but regardless, I still liked it. Come on, "What are they going to do arrest me for being awesome?" I effing loved that line!
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Allright, My wife and I saw the movie, while it was funny, i just didn't think it was that great. Plus they made jon favreu into a not so beautiful baby.
The worst part of the hole thing was the lemons and how neither of them let it go. I know it was a metaphor but it was just lemons, it would have been different if it was the milk for the meal or something, but Jennifer Anniston could have been a touch flexible and just dealt with it and created a different centerpiece.
Well i am sure i am wrong about this, but the movie all most made it seem that the breakup was all the fault of the man in this movie, and while some of the time they do make women feel underappreaciated it can also and does often happen the other way around. The bottom line is if you can't communicate honestly with your wife/hustband/ signifigant other in no way should you be in a realtionship.