Wednesday, May 17, 2006 |
I Have No Self Control |
Last weekend I was in FL. Next weekend I am in RI. The weekend after that I am just outside of NY. All weddings. This is my one free, non-wedding-weekend. This weekend was supposed to be for doing nothing, relaxing, not spending money.
Did you notice the past tense in that sentence?
Yeah, the Welshman has an extra ticket to Sunday's Phillies/Sox game. Philly here I come.Labels: Red Sox |
posted by FINY @ Wednesday, May 17, 2006   |
busy busy busy, but hey its better then the alternative.
It's getting a little out of control. I mean, it's got to stop sometime right? But then again, what else are your mid-twenties for than making bad decisions, drinking a lot, and having the time of your life, all the while living paycheck to paycheck - barely.
aw, come on. it's to be expected. i wasn't surprised at all when you posted that :-).
I will be at that game too, along with several other RI-bred, NYC-living friends. Also in the same boat re: recent weddings - financially draining, mentally (as game face must be on at all times) draining as well. Only question about the Sunday game - why is the projected pitcher Dinardo? Wouldn't Schilling be on his normal rest if Beckett (I am also seeing that game) is pitching Sat night? And yes, good job with getting out there and doing stuff. Agreed - definitely better than the alternative.
but it's going to be fuuuuuuuuuuun. Half the bar is going apparently.
Guess where the Welshman got the extra ticket? I got one for Saturday night, so I gave that one for Sunday up. Have a great time in my former seat, FiNY!!
LM - RI-bred, NYC living fans? Gasp - there are more of me! See everyone, there are other people from RI, we're not that small!!! :)
Welshman - Oh I know it's going to be a blast. I can't wait to see Jim out of the bar!
Q - THANK YOU!!!! :)
LM - I was pissed to see that DiNardo would be pitching on Sunday in place of Schilling, but this means we can throw Schilling against the Yankees on Monday night rather than DiNardo.
Maybe someday the Finy will call me back. :(
-- OCJ
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busy busy busy, but hey its better then the alternative.