Sunday, May 07, 2006 |
She Starts |
She closes the door behind him and slumps down on the floor, broken. She tries to catch her breath and can’t; in between the sobs she gasps and wonders. She listens for the downstairs door to close. It clicks. She picks up the phone.
She calls them all, and one by one they arrive holding beer, cookies, and ice cream. She remembers the last hug. She starts crying again. They hug her, tell her comforting things, they spout clichés that are only cliché because they’re true. Or they will be, eventually.
She continues on. Crying intermittently. Flying to bridal showers, commuting to work, drinking until it doesn’t hurt anymore. She reads bad books and watches bad movies.
Two weeks pass. She sits in the spot where the conversation started and realizes it didn’t begin there, it ended. She looks around at the clothes sprawled on the floor, at the dishes in the sink. She puts down the bad book. She heads toward the dishes. She starts.Labels: dating |
posted by FINY @ Sunday, May 07, 2006   |
Big (((((HUGS))))) for you my friend. You hang in there FINY and remember, I am only a phone call away. I won't spout off any cheesy cliche's..I'll just say I'm here for you sweetie. Anytime you need me ok?
That goes for me too. You were there for me and I'll do the same. You know where to find me!
You just touched a part of me that I've left locked up for some time......This is how we all have felt at some time or another and you worded it beautifully. Hope you are doing ok.
Are You Ok, FiNY?
We'll all be there for you.
Glad to see you posting again FiNY! That's always a good first step. I know you, and you're going to be fine. Always good to turn your attention toward other important subjects, like ranting on about Julian Tavarez and Rudy Seanez and why they're still on the Red Sox roster, things like that. Seriously, I'm glad to see you back on your blog and I hope you keep blogging as much as possible. Keep the faith, FiNY.
P.S. How come you still haven't put up a link to my blog??????
Holly and Esther thank you both. I really appreciate it.
Amy hope I didn't inadvertently open any old wounds. I've been there before - it's not fun. But thanks for the compliment.
Michael I'll be fine eventually, no worries.
Macca you're on, I'll wash if you dry!
Q: It's because I suck, a lot. Today is the first day I've touched this blog in months. Half the people on my blog list either don't blog anymore or have moved. I've got to completely overhaul that list. I PROMISE I'll get to it ASAP. It is good to be back though - I missed you guys.
I was just joshing around, FiNY. No worries. You're the best, FiNY. And don't let anyone tell you differently. :-)
Feel better, FinY!
Hang in there!!
Fellow Sox Fan in NC
Oh, man does my heart bleed for you right now. (And it occurs to me I don't even know why.) Hope things get better soon.
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Big (((((HUGS))))) for you my friend. You hang in there FINY and remember, I am only a phone call away. I won't spout off any cheesy cliche's..I'll just say I'm here for you sweetie. Anytime you need me ok?