Wednesday, February 15, 2006 |
No, not of the blog, at my office!!!!
I know I have been woefully neglecting this space, but come tomorrow I'll be a blogging maniac, hell not going to have much else to do. But for the moment, I am just enjoying that in about an hour I'll be in my exit interview. And tonight, I've got an interview for a new job, a better one. Not to mention the three interviews I've already been on. In the words of Tom Petty:
"It's time to move on, time to get goin' what lies ahead I have no way of knowin'. But under my feet babe, grass is growin' it's time to move on. Time to get going."
And I couldn't be more ready.Labels: work |
posted by FINY @ Wednesday, February 15, 2006   |
I couldn't be happier for you, "FINY." I know how hard the last few weeks have been and you're so right, it's time to move on to those better things. I'm so proud of you!
Ditto. You've done so well the past few weeks - I don't know how you could stand it. Good luck on your interview tonight, and give 'em hell in HR.
Hey congrats, not everyone can handle the challenges you have faced with such dignity and grace. Plus the great attitude great things are about to happen for you FINY. Just believe.
As I've said in other venues, good on ya for making it through this with such class. (i.e. not smashing anyone in the face)
To expand on what Esther said, when you're in the exit interview (if you actually see this before then) I highly recommend telling them how unprofessional you felt this situation was. I see no reason to sugar coat anything at this point. Not to say that you should be nasty or petty, but calmly stating that you don't respect the way your company handled the situation is totally appropriate.
May I suggest that during your exit interview you tear them a new one?
I am so proud to have such an incredible person as my daughter! You have shown such class and maturity in this situation. Now it's time to come home for a visit to decompress and get some pampering! You deserve it!
Good luck in the new job interview!
Good Luck! Something better is about to come along. It's familiarity which makes us comfortable. Then, when it's taken away, we feel strange & empty. But, it was that familiarity which is the cause of the emptiness in the 1st place, though we don't always realize it. May you write that "Great New England Mystery Novel", which in part, is set in Brooklyn. Peace & Prosperity for all of your days! Michael
Here's to bigger and better things ahead.
I share the sentiments of everyone who has commented so far.
It's their loss. I wish you the best of luck with your interview tonight - and any others that lie ahead.
PLEASE pee on someone's desk!
Good luck & see you later!
Look in the mirror and you'll see happiness and success looking back. I mean it!! This is a momentary dip, and believe me, I know about these things, and everything is better than ever. Good shock absorbers are a must, and you have 'em!
I second what your mom said!! Over the past 5+ weeks I have been so impressed with the way you've handled this. Finy, you're a "real" adult! A lot of people never reach the level of maturity and professionalism you've displayed.
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I couldn't be happier for you, "FINY." I know how hard the last few weeks have been and you're so right, it's time to move on to those better things. I'm so proud of you!