Wednesday, January 18, 2006 |
I've Become Boring! |
... And save the "Become?" comments, wiseasses, I'm serious!
Ever since I was fired I eat, sleep, and breathe the job hunt. I talk about almost nothing else. Hence the reason I haven't blogged in a while. I don't want to bore you guys too.
So shoot me some ideas. Seriously, nothing is too ludicrous. Tell me what to write about and I will. Yes, this is yet another cop out, but trust me, I am saving you all this way.
Have at it!Labels: blogging, work |
posted by FINY @ Wednesday, January 18, 2006   |
How about knuckling down and giving yourself over seriously to that book you've been threatening to write ever since I've known you!
You could write about the job hunt :-D
Hmmm... I would say some Baseball, but it's also pretty damn boring around those parts for now.
What about your kitten?
What about your apartment problems?
What about your "book"?
What about your summer plans for baseball trips?
What are you looking forward to for the coming season?
What are you looking forward to doing in NYC?
What about talking about some out of the way, off the beaten path, NYC spot you've been to or think other people should go to?
etc etc etc...
Hey what happened to the "you must type the word in this box to post" feature?
Causing too many problems or did it just disappear?
It was causing too many problems. Plus, I hated having to type that crap in. So instead, I'll just delete the annoying blog spam :)
As for writing about my writing - we'll see. As stupid as it sounds, I don't want to talk too much about the idea behind it mainly because I don't want anyone to steal the idea. But that seems kinda silly when I say it out loud.
You could write about Tessie, or about Buddy's hockey playing. Or about meeting Lizy.
My opinion? This is your blog...your space. If you feel the need to vent about the job hunt and how you are feeling about that...go for it. If you don't want to post anything...don't. It's your blog and you can post if you want to. :P
I'm with Itchy. Your blog is just that, yours. In the end, this is your record of who you are...right now. If you have any need to vent, don't worry about anyone else. Do what you feel.
Of course, if you need some distraction away from all the hub bub, there are some good ideas up there, too :-)
FIny, you write what you want to write, however, for some strange reason I am in the mood to hear about a disasaturous kitchen story. So tell us about a meal turned bad.
Ari, just for the record, ALL of my kitchen stories are disasterous :) You're talking to a girl who has burned PASTA in her lifetime (and yes, my italian grandmother is rolling over in her grave right now). But I am going to save cooking stories for after the weekend. I'm cooking for like ten people at my apartment on Saturday night ... that's SURE to produce at least a story or two :)
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How about knuckling down and giving yourself over seriously to that book you've been threatening to write ever since I've known you!