Friday, February 17, 2006 |
A Hangover, A New Job, and a Celebrity Sighting |
I awoke yesterday with, quite possibly, the worst hangover of my life. My head hurt, I threw up, and I generally felt like I was going to die. Wednesday had been my last day, as I had noted before, and after an interview for a sales representative job, I met up with 10 of my good friends at one of my favorite bars both to drown my sorrows and celebrate the end of what had turned into five weeks of torture.
I had intended the night to end with me returning to my apartment, drunk enough to have enjoyed the night, sober enough not to have become sloppy. A lot of beer and two shots later, I only vaguely remember leaving the bar, The Twin taking me back to his place, and generally taking care of me. So the hangover was to be expected I guess.
When I rose at 10:30 to use the bathroom, my head hurt so bad I couldn’t fall back asleep. So I checked my email. Along with a few “Hope you’re enjoying your first day of freedom” messages, was a note from a woman I had interviewed with a few weeks back. She asked me to call her whenever I got a chance. Hangover be damned, I got on the phone right away.
Long story short, I was unemployed for all of 18 hours. I can proudly say I am now the Publications Manager for a national non-profit. I am beyond ecstatic. The job has more responsibility, pays MUCH more, has better benefits, and I finally get to say goodbye to cube living since I’ll have my own office. Basically, it’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of, PLUS I’ll be working for a really great cause. I didn’t even need to think about it, I accepted the offer immediately. I then promptly called everyone I knew, told them about it, trekked back to my own apartment and went back to sleep. Getting a new job was exciting, but damn that hangover was still kicking my ass.
Later that evening, I met up with a group of friends from the company I had just been fired from. After choking down a few beers, we split ways and I headed towards Union Square to pick up a book at Barnes and Noble. Having just finished The Glass Castle, I had nothing to read on the subway ride home, and now that I was gainfully employed, I could afford to splurge on a new book.
As I’m standing outside Barnes and Noble, talking to Graduate School roommate about the new job and finishing off a cigarette, I see a Sox hat pass me on the street, and then stop a few feet away. The guy wearing it looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t quite place it. As I finish my cigarette and head inside I hear “Finy” behind me. I turn around, and it hits me. Sox hat guy? Yeah, it’s Jere ! Maybe not a celebrity to many of you, but to someone who reads his blog every day, he’s a celebrity in my little world. For those of you who don’t read his blog, you should. He knows more about baseball, pop culture, and well, really most anything, than I do.
So being the big dork that I am, I whip out my camera and have Chan take a picture of the two of us (see below). We chatted for a while, Jere led the way to his mother’s book , which I promptly bought. It was REALLY great to meet both Jere and Chan, and I hope Jere knows that now that I have met him in person I am going to require his presence at the bar at least ONCE to catch a game together this season.

So yeah, two days ago, my life was shit. Today, I have a great new job and I got to meet Jere. God damn, life is good.Labels: blogging, drinking, work |
posted by FINY @ Friday, February 17, 2006   |
YAY! I'm so happy for you.
I think you deserve more drinks this weekend to celebrate the new job :)
You're too kind, Finy.
I do want to catch more games this year at some of our city's lovely Red Sox-friendly establishments. (But, drinking Cokes, of course.)
i am so happy for you!
Awesome. Congrats on the new job!
That is GREAT news, Finy...I'm so happy for you. Congrats on your short bout of unemployment!
Congrats! Maybe the new world record for shortest unemployment hours in a given week. Gold metal stuff!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!!!
An office? With an actual door?
I hate you.
wow, congratulations!! that is fantastic. i am really jealous - i work in communications for a non-profit, but it's definitely not national, and i defintely don't have my own office :(
good on you, you deserve it after all the crap you've been through with the last job! so keep celebrating...
Congrats!! It seems like everything worked out for the best!!
All The Best from a blogger. Jere, the son of Noted Author, Mary Tirone-Smith, now that's sighting!
"Party On". Just drink a lot of orange & tomato juice & you'll feel better.
I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I already told you over the phone from LA, I'm SO happy for you. And I am a bit jealous that you get an office :-).
Woohoo for quick turn arounds!! Glad things are looking up! And yay for even a semi-celebrity sighting!
Congrats on your new position Kim and lots of luck!
Heather (friend of Derek's from Prof Thoms Patriots game)
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YAY! I'm so happy for you.
I think you deserve more drinks this weekend to celebrate the new job :)