Thursday, June 08, 2006 |
Rain, Rain, Go Away |
I love New York in the spring. With the trees in bloom, the warm but not too warm weather, and everyone in a good mood after emerging from their winter-long hibernation.
What I DON'T love, is New York when it rains. This is a pretty grey city already, what with the acres of concrete and the buildings that can blot out the sky from certain angles. And when it rains, it just gets worse. I can feel it affecting my mood.
So when the Red Sox game was rained out last night, even though I had been incredibly excited to be in attendance, I was almost glad that I got to do the very thing I dream about doing every time it rains around here. I went home, curled up in bed under my down blanket, and promptly went to sleep. At like, 9pm. Felt fantastic.
And when it comes down to it, this may help the Sox in the long run. The Yankees were on a roll in the series, this unexpected day off could put a halt to the momentum. Another added bonus? While they haven't announced the make-up date yet, I can't see any other time for the two teams to play an extra game at Yankee Stadium is during their last visit here, from Sept. 15-17. So while I would have loved to see the Sox play last night, a game in Sept., just two weeks before the end of the season, between the Red Sox and the Yankees in Yankee Stadium? Yeah, I'll take that.Labels: Boston, NYC, Red Sox, sports |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, June 08, 2006   |
I hope you're right about that. I would love to see a September game, and I still have a standing offer for a ticket to last night's game.
It's all good, though... I didn't feel like going to The Toilet two nights in a row, anyway.
That's so what I should have done last night, and yet somehow I ended up going to sleep at like 12:30.
"What we need is a rainout..."- some random Bull Durham guy "I can get us a rainout..."- Kevin Costner
Worked like magic...
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I hope you're right about that. I would love to see a September game, and I still have a standing offer for a ticket to last night's game.
It's all good, though... I didn't feel like going to The Toilet two nights in a row, anyway.