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    Tuesday, July 18, 2006
    Albert Einstein's definition of insanity went something like this:

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    Well, it's official people, I am insane.

    See, for the last three years I have lived in the exact same room. 12' x8'. Window that looks out onto nothing but the interior air shaft of our building (that's right, interior - aka, it is approx 3'x3' and leads nowhere. The top is closed off by a skylight). Basically - an oven. And yet, every summer. EVERY SINGLE SUMMER. I think "Huh, this summer will be fine, I don't need an air conditioner!"

    Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

    I am sitting here now, at 3am, wondering why, just like last year, I'm awake all night. Crying. Wondering if it is possible to die of heat stroke in your sleep. I doubt it. Because if you're THAT hot - no way in hell are you sleeping.

    Add on to all of this that I am PMSing like there's no tomorrow, that I chose tonight to streak my hair blonde with an at-home kit, and you've got a zebra-headed-hormonal-sleep-deprived Finy, and let me tell you, it isn't pretty.

    At least the Sox won tonight. If we'd lost to the Royals ... I REALLY would have lost it.


    posted by FINY @ Tuesday, July 18, 2006  
    • At 7/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Hopefully Wakefield will be ok and won't join Clement and Wells

    • At 7/18/2006, Blogger Esther said…

      Oh god you poor thing! Maybe you should ask for an air conditioner for your birthday.

    • At 7/18/2006, Blogger FINY said…

      Darren: Crossing my fingers, but with the Sox luck lately I am not that optimistic. What I REALLY hope doesn't happen is that Wakefield tries to play through it. I'd rather him take a stint on the DL to rest than lose games because he's pushing too hard.

      Esther: Done and done. I took the day off from work today because I was so tired/at-wis-end. Bought the air conditioner this morning, already installed it, and mom offered to give it to me as my birthday present. I am now waiting for my room to cool down enough for me to take a nap.

    • At 7/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      I forgot that Wakefield got hurt... I was too busy marvelling at Papi's base-stealing skilz.

      Dude. Sitting in the temperate weather in SD, I didn't realize that there was a nationwide heat wave. It's almost unbelievable.

    • At 7/18/2006, Blogger East Coast Teacher said…

      I hear ya on the hormones thing.

      I had a wretched day at work - now I'm home, it's hotter than hell in my room, and I have to read 60+ pages and write a 2 page essay for class tomorrow.

      The fun never ends!

      Glad you've finally got an AC to keep you cool.

    • At 7/18/2006, Blogger Derek said…

      I know that air conditioners are a little expensive, but have you ever heard of a big box fan?

    • At 7/18/2006, Blogger Chief Slacker said…

      I'd give you a hug, but I'm afraid that you'd A) Melt or B) Rip my head of in a hormonal heat induce insanity. Neither would be pretty. ;O)

    • At 7/19/2006, Blogger Ari said…

      it is hot indeed, be good and drink lots and lots of water!!

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