Friday, July 14, 2006 |
Thoughts and Prayers |
I'm not a very religious person. Never really have been. I believe in God and Jesus and would best describe myself as a Christian, but I have too many fundamental disagreements with the Catholic Church to remain a church-goer.
I found out today that my friend Judd Hardy has been diagnosed with Leukemia (ALL). At the risk of pissing off a potentially vengeful God by praying for the first time in years, I am simply sending every positive thought I can out to Salt Lake, in the hopes that Judd knows how much we love him, how many lives he's touched, and how we're all here now to support him through what is most likely going to be a tough battle. But if any of you out there ARE on God's good side, please say a prayer for Judd. Oh, and if anyone knows Bono, ask him too (see the last comment on this post).
Edit: If you'd like to know more about Leukemia, I've added The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to my "Organizations I Care About" list at left. I've also made a donation Dave Copeland, who is running the Dublin Marathon in October as a member of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. If you'd like to support Dave, his donation page is here.Labels: friends |
posted by FINY @ Friday, July 14, 2006   |
I was raised Catholic, but I'm not a big church-goer either.
However, as my Nana died of skin cancer, I know how horrible this disease is.
Your friend is definitely in my prayers.
Sending positive thoughts his way. Cancer is such an ugly disease...
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I was raised Catholic, but I'm not a big church-goer either.
However, as my Nana died of skin cancer, I know how horrible this disease is.
Your friend is definitely in my prayers.