Friday, June 17, 2005 |
A Social Experiment |
Over the last week I’ve been searching through Craigslist for potential living situations. With one, if not potentially both, of my roommates leaving the apartment in the next few months, I figured it was time to start taking a look around.
In so doing, I stumbled across an astonishing trend. Check these two listings out:
http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/roo/77597483.html http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/roo/78749479.html
It seems that there is a new trend in the real-estate market in NYC! There are men, all over the city, offering ridiculously low rents in order to have young, attractive roommates who will do their cooking and cleaning (and in the case of that first poster, possibly more).
This absolutely amazed me. And what actually bothered me was that I was sure that these men were getting responses from people!
So I had a thought. And an evil one at that.
I wondered if the genders were reversed would the listing still get responses?
So here’s what I did. I’ll let you know the outcome of this little social experiment next week.
EDIT: Here's the ad. I've taken it off of Craigslist: NYC, it's now listed on Craigslist: Boston ... more cities to come.
Hi there! I have an available room in a luxury two bedroom apartment on Lexington Ave. It’s a fantastic place with high ceilings, hardwood floors, a doorman, and a fully decorated living room with state-of-the-art entertainment system. The bedroom available is 10x12 and is available immediately. It’s very close to public transportation and in a great area
I am looking for one male roommate who could help provide services in exchange for greatly reduced rent.
It might sound crazy but this is a great opportunity for a new college graduate or someone just starting out in NYC. I am an extremely busy 28-year-old female professional who travels quite often for work. So you’d actually have the apartment to yourself for a majority of the time.
By “services” I don’t mean sex, it would just be nice to have an attractive male around the house to help with the cooking and cleaning, perhaps without a shirt on.
So if you’re an attractive 20-something male who’s interested, please email me and describe yourself, and perhaps send a picture. I look forward to hearing from you. Labels: the experiment |
posted by FINY @ Friday, June 17, 2005   |
I think this is a riot. You are going to get a ton of responses and many of them will be naked.
I'll post a "Best Of" sometime next week because holy CRAP are these responses amusing!!!!
I know a girl who told me she was offered basically this same deal, in person, by some dude she hardly knew. He was acting like she was stupid for not wanting to just marry him and have him take care of her financially in exchange for who knows what, but you know these arrogant bastards are gonna take advantage first chance they get. This is why I hate rich people and root for the stock market to crash and/or for them to die in horrible accidents. You know, not all rich people, just the ones who think their wealth makes them automatically desirable to all women. They should all be impaled on stakes. I'm moving to Canada!
But good job with the experiment, that's hilarious. Can't wait to see the responses.
ok, seriously? i can't believe you're getting responses. reading that, i would just assume that you're... well, unattractive.
but honestly? i'd totally take you up on that (if the ad was real). i walk around the house shirtless most of the time anyways...
but really, you should totally turned the "sleaze" on (a la the first ad you posted... hello, Mr. Looking-for-a-Hooker. in your ad, you seem too... "harmless." i guess it's a double standard, but i don't feel that eerie creepy feeling i had when i read the other ads.
Trust me you'd get that good and creepy feeling if you read some of these responses!!! :)
I can't believe there are guys out there doing this. Talk about hard up!!
This is a nice way to make up a solid roster of "creepies" to pass on to proper authorities.
I bet the nakedness will be a poutporri of the nauseating, and I only wish I'd thought of it first.
Craig's list is amazing for stuff like this.
hahahah, THAT'S JUST HILLARIOUS!!! I'll come back to see the result of the "experiment". :-)
BRILLIANT, FINY!!! I can't wait to see the results. Hilarious.
Hey, just came across the blog (via a series of links). This is incredibly funny. A little on the disturbing side, but then again that's why it's funny. It's just sad that people (male or female) are responding to ads like this.
Finy, you continue to amaze and delight me. My jaw hit the floor when I stumbled across another guy's blog I occasionally read: http://www.heyfreak.com/ and he mentioned "FINY". I said, whoa, that can't be Finy Finy. And it was.
Hey, I'm not coming to NYC until mid July now, but we will hang. And if you're lucky, I'll go shirtless.
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You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it »
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I think this is a riot. You are going to get a ton of responses and many of them will be naked.