Thursday, June 16, 2005 |
I Am A Jerk! |
Ok, so Amy made a good point in her comment on my last post. I never mentioned the people I added to my links list a while back (conversely I still haven't added Epiphany or Little Pieces of Nothing to my Link list).
Anyway, here are some more people who have been on my links for a while but I haven't talked about:
Red Sox Bat Girl (Amy): Another female Red Sox fan who has, quite possibly, the cutest daughter ever.
A Red Sox Fan in Pinstripe Territory: Always good to have Sox fans infiltrating from behind enemy lines!
Empyreal Environs: One of the most well informed female Sox bloggers out there. I bow down to the queen (she's also ridiculously funny, check out her parodies, I dare you not to laugh).
Bullshit Memorial Stadium: Tim scares me with his wealth of baseball knowledge. And his commentary on various pop culture topics usually has me nodding along.
Mikey, over at hey, freak has absolutely nothing to do with baseball (which makes me wonder a little how the hell he found my blog) but I now have a tendency to stalk his site and I suggest all others do too.
Ok, I THINK that's everyone I haven't mentioned before. Amy, I'm sorry sweetie!!!! |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, June 16, 2005   |
i did a google search for "cute girls in NYC", and *poof* there you were.
Hi, Red Sox Bat Girl Amy!
FINY, thanks for the mention!
I'd also like to add praise for Empy. I think she has the best Sox site on the 'net, hands down. Joanna is a brilliant writer.
Jere's the man, too...
Thanks, FiNY. If you ever see a dude sitting by himself, not drinking, at 212, come say hi. (If I ever decide to go there.)
You're not a jerk; that would be some real tall dude that posts at rsn.net.
Thanks for the plug and praise. It's odd to read what other people say, because I find other people much more funny, learned, and interesting.
If I'm the queen (I thought that title would be held by A-Rod, but that's another story), then you would be crown princess. And I abdicate, so now you're queen. (Whew, pressure's off.)
Where did you find it? Interesting read » »
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i did a google search for "cute girls in NYC", and *poof* there you were.
Hi, Red Sox Bat Girl Amy!