Thursday, June 23, 2005 |
Well, it had to happen sooner or later, but I am AMAZED that it happened now.
I posted my little social experiment on craigslist for San Francisco this evening. Withing two hours I received this email from craigslist:
Your posting has been removed by the craigslist community.
Several craigslist readers flagged it for the following reasons:
PROHIBITED: posting appears to conflict with craigslist Terms of Use http://www.craigslist.org/about/terms.of.use.html#conduct MISCATEGORIZED: posting appears to be in the wrong category The flagging system is a work-in-progress, with all the pros and cons of a democracy - Please post suggestions for improvement in the feedback forum:
After reviewing your posting and our policies, if you are convinced that those flagging your post were mistaken, please feel free to repost.
Sorry for the hassle! and thanks for your understanding.
Ok, the miscategorized thing I can understand, I had been posting in the "apartments" section and not the "rooms/shares" section since it was more visible, but if you follow the link about "conduct" you'd get the impression that the people of San Fran were actually offended by my offer.
Much as I was the first time I saw an ad with the gender roles reversed.
So this may be the end of my using craigslist for this. However, I've been writing back and forth with a nine of the original respondents (seven from NYC, two from Boston) so I'll post their responses to all my questions as soon as I organize them. I am just still a bit in shock that the one other city in the country that could rival NYC in housing prices would be the city I got caught in.Labels: the experiment |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, June 23, 2005   |
That sucks. At least you got some feedback before you got busted.
There are a couple things that you may have been busted for...
"Additionally, you agree not to... post the same item or service in more than one classified category or forum, or in more than one metropolitan area"
Maybe one of the guys that you've told about the experiment was pissed off enough to report you...
"You agree not to post, email, or otherwise make available Content:... that is false, deceptive, misleading, deceitful, misinformative, or constitutes "bait and switch"..."
I doubt that you offended a bunch of people.
Is it possible that its San Fran, and it wasn't a male for a young male, (don't bash me for that statement, I have nothing against any race creed or sexual orientation). Some of the gay men were evidently jealous.
Yes, I suspect one of your NYC boys reported you.
Becki: I definitely knew I was violating the rules. If not by lying because I was posting it in different cities.
Ari: I thought of that too. A LOT of the roommate ads I saw were asking specifically for certain sexual orientations.
Meegan: That is entirely possible. Eh well. I am actually now thinking about changing up the ad a bit, using a different email address and continuing with the experiment. But can I tell you? Emailing all these guys is taking up like a TON of my time?! Though it's possible I've made at least one new friend out of it. The hot UNC rower I mentioned below? Turns out he's moving to Park Slope, is gay, and we're talking about getting together for coffee! HA!
Ari took the words right out of my mouth. Or maybe someone saw all of the postings and made a complaint. Either way, I still think you should try London and see what happens.
It was the idiot that got all offended and was "you better not publicize my name blah blah blah".
At least that is my guess.
I'm suprised they actually flag stuff... the things I've seen on Craigs list are jsut wacky.
Way to score a new gay boyfriend. You can never have too many...=)
um. i'm sorry, but i think San Diego prices (specifically, La Jolla) are the highest in the country. higher than SF, and higher than NYC. fuck, i think the median price for a home around here is like, $600k or something. median price. as in, average.
so basically, a million dollar home is only a little above average. how sad is that?
shoot. maybe i oughta place that ad around here...
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That sucks. At least you got some feedback before you got busted.
There are a couple things that you may have been busted for...
"Additionally, you agree not to... post the same item or service in more than one classified category or forum, or in more than one metropolitan area"
Maybe one of the guys that you've told about the experiment was pissed off enough to report you...
"You agree not to post, email, or otherwise make available Content:... that is false, deceptive, misleading, deceitful, misinformative, or constitutes "bait and switch"..."
I doubt that you offended a bunch of people.