Thursday, June 23, 2005 |
School Girl Silly |
His name was Andrew Wessner. He lived around the corner from me, had sandy blonde hair, played baseball and was a bit of a rebel. And he made my heart go all aflutter.
I was six.
Andy was my first crush. My mom used to baby-sit for him when we were kids, and we would play “baseball” in our side yard. Since it was just the two of us, and since I had yet to turn into the tomboy I would eventually become, the game consisted of Andy swinging a pretend bat, throwing his arms in the air as if he had hit a home run, and me sitting on the sidelines clapping. As he rounded the imaginary bases he would pick a bunch of rhododendrons from the bush on the “third base line” and hand them to me as he crossed home plate.
I was in love.
As I grew older, of course, the crush faded and many more rose to take it’s place. In high school just a smile from Ben Lamanna could make my knees melt. But once out of college, I assumed that type of silly school girl crush, the kind that makes you say stupid stuff because you’re nervous, that makes you smile for days because he said something nice, that makes your stomach flip at odd moments, would fade into oblivion, replaced by a more mature dating experience.
But as I sat at 212 last night, trying desperately to act “normal” in front of The Twin, I realized that that’s not exactly true. (I also realized that it’s nearly impossible to flirt while watching a Sox game together. I mean really, how cute can screaming at the television be?). Actually, it’s not true at all, because here I sit, still smiling about something he said last night, remembering all the stupid stuff I said because I was nervous, wondering if he meant it when he asked me to call him when I get back from Philly this weekend.
Yeah it’s official. I’m in full blown crush mode. And it’s kind of fun.Labels: dating |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, June 23, 2005   |
Hmmmm... I must have missed a lot of stuff. I don't recall you acting any sillier than normal. Methinks you are overanalyzing your behavior.
That's also probably true. But isn't that a prerequisite of a crush :)
WOW, Andy got to home at age SIX?! It took me 16 years!!!
There, now you have a sarcastic prick comment from me on your blog. That should make you smile, dammit. ;-)
Yay crushes!
You should definitely call him when you get back. That is a classic guy tactic for figuring out if you're interested. Call him Tuesday.
Nice work, FINY!!! He's very crush-worthy. We'll see what happens! (I love the info on your "background" -- so cute!)
No matter what anyone tells you when to call or what to say, I have only one piece of advice. Be you, be the same witty, funny person we have all been able to find out about on your blog. If you do that no doubt, he will also have a crush.
Sadly, I was thinking the same thing that Ken said, except I wasn't going to go there, even though my mind did.
Yelling at the tv, provided you know what you're talking about (and judging from what I've read here you do) is like the golden ticket. You're safe.
As you said to me about the boy I described on Tuesday, you LIKE him, and you should definitely call him when you get back from Philly. And start flirting! And if he's a true fan, he would think your not yelling at the tv was a problem. I want to know where this goes.
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Hmmmm... I must have missed a lot of stuff. I don't recall you acting any sillier than normal. Methinks you are overanalyzing your behavior.