Friday, November 18, 2005 |
South Park Finy |
It has been a freaking CRAZY week around these parts. I got a project on Monday that basically took all of my waking hours to complete, including staying up until 3am on Wednesday. So since I have had NOTHING going on in my life, and basically nothing to write about, I present you with South Park Finy:
 I think it's a rather accurate portrayl of what I look like :)
This idea stolen from Macca, Becki, and about a thousand other people. Try it out - you can create your own South Park character! Labels: misc. |
posted by FINY @ Friday, November 18, 2005   |
Thanks! clearly the best part was that I could put a beer in my hand :)
I love it! And yeah, the beer is what makes it so perfectly you!
It is an eerily good likeness. I'm putting one of me up on my blog. :)
looks just like you - just needs a little Sox cap
Very cute and so you. And how cool is it that they had a red hat as an option?
Too bad they didn't have those knee high boots and skirt that you about kicked ass in......
My character is so girlie compared to yours, makes me wanna cut my nails off or something. I don't wanna be girlie. =)
Who is going to Kill Kenny, this weeK?
The Red Sox Cap, a known piece of equipment in Park Slope, is MISSING; Other than that, it's a charicature, WORTHY of YOU.
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Thanks! clearly the best part was that I could put a beer in my hand :)