Monday, November 07, 2005 |
Weekend Update |
Completely unimaginative, but I had a great weekend this weekend, and since I have something else weighing rather heavily on my mind (more on that later) I figured the traditional: day by day breakdown would have to suffice. My brain is too fried to be more imaginative right now.
Friday night was fantastic. I got to meet up with Fleece Boy from college who I hadn’t seen literally since the day we graduated. It was so great catching up. Though my hangover the next morning was a bit rough it was at least lessened a bit by our 4am trip to the diner.
Saturday was spent on the couch. I was in a lot of hangover pain. Which is weird because while I had a lot to drink, it’s definitely nowhere near what it usually takes to get me that hungover. Perhaps I’m getting old?
Anyway, that night I met The Twin in Union Square. We had coffee, wandered around Barnes and Noble for a while, and then went to see Jarhead. I’d actually really recommend this to everyone and would love to read the book so I can see how closely they mirrored it. Ironically, it actually made me think about The Ex quite a bit since he’s a Marine now and is apparently stationed at Camp Pendleton where the first half of the movie is set. You’ll find out why that was ironic later.
After the movie The Twin and I headed back to his place to grab his old Polaroid camera before going back to my place for the night. Why grab his Polaroid? Well, other than simply because he carries his equipment with him most everywhere, he wanted to have it with him to take some shots of the NYC Marathon that ran straight past my apartment on Sunday morning.
The Twin and I spent all day Sunday with the roommates, they’re boyfriends, friends, and my buddy Ry. It was a LOT of fun. A live band was playing just half a block away, I got to see my friend Derek run by, and we watched for a while from the apartment building roof, which while scary to those of us who are afraid of heights, it was a great view.
Later that afternoon, The Grad Student Roommate, her boyfriend and friend, and the Twin and I went out to have a few beers and sit outside since it was so gorgeous out. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. We only had a couple beers, but we were there for a few hours and God did we have a great time.
Afterwards, The Twin and I met up with his studio manager to celebrate her finishing the marathon that day. I walk into the bar and run into a guy I went to college with. He was dating one of the Studio Managers good friends. Small world. Was nice to see him though.
We got back to the Twin’s place relatively early, hung around for a while, and passed out from sheer exhaustion. It was a great weekend, that I’ve taken two things away from:
1. I absolutely freaking love this city. Sitting on top of my roof watching thousands of people run past, walking down 4th Avenue in Brooklyn after it was over and it being completely deserted, sitting in the garden of the bar, it was just such a great “My God I live in New York City” type day.
2. Similar events happen in groups. I’ve seen or heard from more Emersonians in the last few days than I can even explain. Fleece Boy and my friend WriterGirl on Friday. ComedyGuy on Sunday at the bar. And then I came into the office today to receive a voicemail message from one of my favorite people in the world, AT. AT and I were senior class officers together and we see each other maybe once or twice a year. This year it’s going to be next week! And then I turned on my computer, and, well, a few pieces are about to fall into place here people, because what do I see, after two and a half years of complete silence? Wait for it …
… an email from The Ex.Labels: dating, friends, movies, NYC |
posted by FINY @ Monday, November 07, 2005   |
Sounds like a pretty kickass weekend! Glad you had a good one.
And it's like in "Swingers" they always somehow know when you moved on and then decide to talk again. Somehow...
Sounds like your weekend was awesome glad to hear that new your city is still one of the greatest places in the world.
I'm glad you saw me! Sorry I completely spaced on where you'd be and forgot to look up.
What did he say?!? Do tell!!!
NO WAY! He emails you now? You and I are SO getting together after work to talk about this!
I can't believe you left us with a cliffhanger like that!
CS: It WAS a kickass weekend. And relatively cheap too. Love that part. As for The Ex, I SWEAR you guys have sonar.
Ari: Thanks! There are so many times I stop and think, God Damn! It's so cool that I live here!
Derek: I saw you, I yelled, my friends yelled, and we got nothin! That's ok though I forigve you. Congrats again!
Amy: I don't know if he's miserable, and I honestly hope he's not. There'll be a post about that soon.
Kristin: Post to come, I promise!
Esther: Tell me where and when and I'll be there!
Meredith: But the post was already so long as it is! I'll write about that next, promise!
Ah those pesky exes...they sure do show up and the most inopportune times! :D
Me, I had a similar yet different experience. There was the guy that I'd totally been crushing on, he knew I was crushing on him and we had mutual flirting - when his girlfriend wasn't around. But that was it.
Then I met my hubby and we feel into serious mode really fast, as I've mentioned before. So we go to a party at one of my friend's houses and lo and behold but there is my crush boy. Of course now, no more crush...but guess what? He was then single and hoping that I'd be there so we could hopefully finally get some dating on...One of those "never meant to be" things I guess...
So, yeah...guys are not good with the timing at all. But I'm with the others...details...we need details of the email!!!
Drink a LOT of Tomato Juice, as it has fibre & Vitamin C/it'll do the trick, for a Hangover.
I don;t think it's a guy thing, it's cruel world thing. seem like all exes that left ya heartbroken have to come back and haunt ya that one last time.
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Sounds like a pretty kickass weekend! Glad you had a good one.
And it's like in "Swingers" they always somehow know when you moved on and then decide to talk again. Somehow...