Tuesday, October 25, 2005 |
Dogs, Drinks, Dads and Do Nothing Days |
Well, it was a jam packed weekend. One which I only recovered from last night.
Friday night Meegan and I went over to our friends K&J’s house. K&J live only right around the corner from me and yet somehow, I had yet to meet the dog they got MONTHS ago. It was a great night, very relaxed and let me tell you I am now in love with their dog. Buster is a schnoodle and is literally like a walking stuffed animal.
One of the many conversations we had that night revolved around this blog. I hadn’t realized that J was a reader and he kept referencing things that I had written here (J I am still giving you free reign to post comments. Knowing you they’ll make me cringe and laugh my ass off all at the same time). The question came up as to what I would do if and when The Twin finds Miles From Fenway.
Honestly, I am not quite sure. I guess I don’t always realize exactly how revealing I am around here. I’ve never been the kind of person to hold things back, my good friends can easily vouch for that. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I’m not ashamed of that. That being said there are still things I don’t talk about here. Personal things, intimate things, things I think you guys will find boring. For as much as a lot of people think of blogs as online diaries, they’re really not. As a blogger you know there’s an audience there, and 9 times out of 10 you know your audience. You may think it doesn’t affect how you write and what you talk about, but even subconsciously, it must.
So I guess I don’t know what I will do when The Twin finds out about this (because obviously it’s inevitable). He’s a pretty laid back guy, so I’d like to think he wouldn’t be upset. But then again I’ve been talking to the internet about him for months. I can see how that would weird people out. I guess it’s a bridge I am just going to have to cross when I get to it. ________________________________________________________________________
I woke up pretty early on Saturday hoping to clean my apartment as much as possible before my father arrived that afternoon. Dad was picking me up to take me to Buddy’s hockey game in NJ and then the two of them were coming back to my apartment and staying with me for the night.
I was really excited about the entire thing. I love seeing my brother play, I hardly ever get to spend time with Dad, and Buddy had never seen one of my apartments set up before. Ever. I’ve lived in NYC for three years! But his busy hockey schedule and my frequent moving haven’t always made it practical. So this was a pretty big night for me.
Everything went to hell when we hit New Jersey. We got hopelessly lost, in the pouring rain, got pulled over for making an illegal U-turn, and took double the time to get to the rink than mapquest had estimated. Dad was, let’s say, not in the best of moods by the time we got there. And it took all the strength I had in me not to say I told you so after he got pulled over for that U-turn since I had literally said just moments before, “Dad you can’t make a U-turn here”.
So into the rink we go, expecting to have missed the first half hour of the game. Except … they weren’t even on the ice yet. Why? Because the ref didn’t show up. So instead they suited up the Assistant Coach for the opposing team and sent him out on the ice. Now let me just say this, I don’t blame what happened in this game on the poor Assistant Coach. A hockey game should have at least two refs if not three. This one had one and he wasn’t even a real ref. Keeping the game under control was next to impossible.
Actually, it proved completely impossible as with a minute left to go in the game the kids, frustrated, tired, and competitive, threw down their gloves, helmets and sticks, and started an all out brawl. Buddy’s team lost the game 5-3, and most of his teammates got their asses kicked in the various fights as well.
So on the way home I had father and a brother who were not exactly the happiest guys in the world, were bitching about how much they hate traveling for hockey, and how it sucks. Good to see you guys too!
Don’t get me wrong, they were sure to clarify the statement with, “except it’s still great to see you!” it was still a tough night. In the end it’s always wonderful to see them, and I loved having them there to play with the kitten and hang around my place. I just wish it had been under less stressful circumstances. ________________________________________________________________________
Now Sunday I had just the most wonderful, do-nothing New York Day. After kicking my brother and father out of the house early I arrived at Riverside Park for Memory Walk 2005 bundled up in more layers than I can mention and ready to don my bright orange Junior Committee team t-shirt. The Walk was hugely successful and I would once again like to thank everyone who donated.
After the Walk I took the subway home to Brooklyn and hung out for a while. Both of my roommates had their boyfriends over and I was in one of my “I really want to be alone” moods. So I showered, changed, grabbed my laptop and headed back into Manhattan. I had no real plan, no where specific to go, so I got out at the Prince Street station on the R line and just wandered. I love doing that sometimes, just walking around the city for no apparent reason. I finally settled into the Starbucks near St. Marks St., bought a grande White Chocolate Mocha, opened up my laptop and wrote nonstop for two hours. It has been MONTHS since I’ve been able to do that. All told I probably only had two sentences total that I was actually happy with and could use, but it still felt great.
I debated going to a movie afterwards and started up towards the Loew’s Cinema on Union Square, but as it always does, The Strand distracted me. I spent a long time in there just browsing the books. By then the movie I was thinking of going to see had long since started so I thought I’d head home. Instead I got distracted again by a street performer in Union Square who got the crowd so riled up he actually convinced them to let him crowd surf on them to end the show to the tune of “We Are The Champions”. It was fantastic :)
Days like that always make me so happy that I live in NYC. And my subway ride home only added to the sensation. We emerged from the tunnel to go over the Manhattan Bridge and there laid out in front of me was the Manhattan Skyline, same as it always is, with the Brooklyn Bridge extending across the river and the Statue of Liberty, torch glowing, visible beyond. And as a backdrop this gorgeous orange/red sunset that made me warm just to look at.
Written all out like this, it doesn’t seem like a lot, but that was a really fantastic day for me. And just what I needed.Labels: blogging, dating, family, friends, NYC |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, October 25, 2005   |
As a blogger you know there’s an audience there, and 9 times out of 10 you know your audience. You may think it doesn’t affect how you write and what you talk about, but even subconsciously, it must.
I agree 100% - I am very aware of my audience. I try to not let it effect me, but it seems like it always does.
And it took all the strength I had in me not to say I told you so after he got pulled over for that U-turn since I had literally said just moments before, “Dad you can’t make a U-turn here”.
You jinxed him! For the record, if you're ever in my car and I'm in the process of doing something like that, keep your mouth closed please.
Your Sunday sounds fantastic. I need to wander into Boston like that more often.
Sunday sounds wonderful! Good for you for taking advantage of our amazing city.
I know what you mean about the city. When I do have to go to work in the city, I also just wonder at times. Take it all in in terms of the city.
This is very interesting site... »
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As a blogger you know there’s an audience there, and 9 times out of 10 you know your audience. You may think it doesn’t affect how you write and what you talk about, but even subconsciously, it must.
I agree 100% - I am very aware of my audience. I try to not let it effect me, but it seems like it always does.
And it took all the strength I had in me not to say I told you so after he got pulled over for that U-turn since I had literally said just moments before, “Dad you can’t make a U-turn here”.
You jinxed him! For the record, if you're ever in my car and I'm in the process of doing something like that, keep your mouth closed please.
Your Sunday sounds fantastic. I need to wander into Boston like that more often.