Friday, October 21, 2005 |
Random Baseball Notes |
Well it’s decided, the 2005 World Series will be played by the Houston Astros and the Chicago White Sox. I told you below why I will be rooting for the White Sox, but last night’s game, even though they lost, has a lot of significance for the St. Louis Cardinals.
Last night’s game (Ok, so I’ve written this post over a period of days …) was the last game to ever be played at Busch Stadium. I’ll admit I’ve never been there, but I am sure there are members of the Red Bird Faithful out there who will mourn the loss. In a way, I feel like some Sox fans will too. The Red Sox won the 2004 World Series on that field. All those images that were seared into our brains: Tek catching Foulke, Tek on his knees on the infield grass while being hugged by Millar, Dave Roberts hoisting the World Series trophy while sitting atop Mike Timlin’s shoulders. All those images came courtesy of Busch. (Sorry to bring it all up again Cards fans, I am sure this day is rough enough for you already. I feel you, you’ll notice I’ve written very little about baseball since the Sox got bounced). The view of those illuminated arches that lined the top of the stadium will always be a part of our memories of one of the greatest moments of my sports fandom to date.
So thanks for the memories, Busch. ___________________________________________________________________
Tracking Bellhorn Part II:
Yeah yeah I know. I feel off the “I swear I am going to make this a regular feature”. But I just couldn’t bare to watch/read about/think about Bellhorn in pinstripes. And now, I don’t have to!
The Yankees put out a press release on Tuesday indicating that Bellhorn had rejected an offer from the Yankees that would have given his contract to their Triple A Team Columbus. Opting for Free Agency, Bellhorn is now testing the waters. I really hope he has a bang-up year next year, this one was tough on him. I’d love to see him starting somewhere, and I think he could do it with a smaller market team. Boston and New York just have too many resources to need a guy like him, unfortunately. ______________________________________________________________________
Don’t Let The Door Hit You In The Ass!
Everyone who did a little jig when they found out that Dale Sveum was going to the Brewers raise your hand!
Sveum probably got a bit of a bad rap in Boston. I mean in 90% of other MLB cities fans wouldn’t even know the NAME of their third base coach, never mind be able to analyze his abilities. I respect his decision to move on from Boston, to be able to spend an extra six weeks with his kids (the Brewers train in Arizona which is where the Sveum’s live) and I wish him all the best of luck.
That said, I’m glad I’ll no longer need to worry about our players injuring themselves on a play at the plate that never should have happened due to Sveums trigger happy wave. So bring on the new guy! Let’s see how quickly it takes WEEI, BDD, and the rabid fanbase to scare him out of town.
O! Leo!
It may not be “official” yet, but will most likely be announced today that Leo Mazzone will be leaving his post as pitching coach for the Atlanta Braves to sign a three year deal with the Baltimore Orioles.
I’m feeling a bit sad about this for a few reasons. Left over from my days of Atlanta Braves fandom (for those of you who haven’t been reading my blog long, there’s a story to that I swear) is a special place in my heart for the 90’s Braves and their staff. Bobby Cox is arguably one of the best managers in baseball.
Yes, I know I know, they’re the Buffalo Bills of the MLB, always winning Division titles and never doing a damn thing with them, but really, every year they seem to be headed for a “rebuilding” year and somehow they dominate. Mazzone has got to be able to take some credit for that. It makes me a bit nostalgic now that not only is the core of the team that I used to follow so closely gone, but the coaching staff is being broken up as well.
ANOTHER reason why this upsets me a little is that the Orioles are in the AL East. Now, I know Mazzone’s no miracle worker but he’s damn good at what he does. So yeah not totally psyched that the guy’s going to one of our division competitors.
Later, a look at what’s up with Manny and Wells wanting to leave Boston. This is going to be a long and interesting off-season and the World Series isn’t even over yet.Labels: baseball |
posted by FINY @ Friday, October 21, 2005   |
Next year is an even-numbered one, so Bellhorn will have a good year starting for somebody. The guy is like Star Trek movies in a evens good/odds suck ass kind of way.
What a nice post! I meant to thank you on behalf of Cards fans for what you said the other day, but my browser crashed and I forgot to come back after that.
Anyway, yes, we are indeed sentimental about losing Busch. Few Cards fans wanted to leave our favorite 1960's concrete donut, but money calls and all that, I suppose.
From what I understand, a lot of Red Sox fans made the trek down to St. Louis to see the scene of the crime (cough cough) one more time before they took it down, too. How about a rematch of the two best baseball towns in the country next October? Let's make some new memories at the new Busch...
the Braves defintely didn't dominate this year, and the O's are definitely NOT our division competitors. If they are still winning games in August, I'll worry. Big problem is OUR team for next year. I'm concerned that it's not going to be very good - 2006 might be the Red Sox rebuilding year (and the AL is too strong to make the playoffs with 90 wins)
Hey Welshboy, you don't consider that many division titles dominating?
And I consider everyone in the AL East our competitors. You can't dismiss anyone, that only leads to trouble.
As for our team, yeah I think you're right I think we're heading for a mighty tough year. However, there are a lot of moves left to be made this offsesaon. We have absolutely no idea what our roster is going to look like. So let's not start getting all defeatist already.
I didn't say that HADN'T been dominating, I said they're not dominating anymore.
And you can DEFINITELY dismiss Tampa Bay!!
Not getting defeatist, just think a LOT of rebuilding needs to be done over the next year (and I love Youks, but he's not a starter - why does no-one believe me???)
Despite my lack of many stadium visits, I did go to Busch Stadium a few times when my fam lived there. That was when they still had astroturf and shared the stadium with the football Cardinals...
Finy, I have to say you are the only person who has ever made me want to watch baseball!
There was The Triumph of '04, & The Last Scene, in "Fever Pitch", all @ Busch Stadium II. There was Gibson, & Carlton, & McGwire, & Yes, even McCarver, all part of the memories.
You could even hear an echo of the Busch Stadium Era in this phrase: "It's A Winner."(Jack Buck)
But from Joe Buck, it's "Whamma Lamma Ding-Dong."
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Next year is an even-numbered one, so Bellhorn will have a good year starting for somebody. The guy is like Star Trek movies in a evens good/odds suck ass kind of way.