Friday, October 21, 2005 |
Grey Areas |
I spent the majority of last night helping The Twin paint his office a gorgeous grey color. Which, unsurprisingly, after a few beers at a bar beforehand, was actually quite a good time.
While we were at it we had the Rangers/Islanders game on in the background. This of course led to a conversation about the new rules the NHL has come up with and the shoot out from the game the night before. Now, with my brother being a goalie, and that being The Twin’s former position when he played, we eventually began to talk about Buddy (I’ve decided that’s what I’m going to call my little bro’ around here since that’s what I call him at home even though it’s nowhere NEAR his real name).
ME: You should see me when Buddy plays, I’m a nervous wreck. Something about kids twice his size smacking a small, hard, rubber puck at him as hard as they can just doesn’t sit well with me.
The Twin: Well, he’s playing in NJ this weekend right? If I’m not working Saturday maybe I can come down and see him.
*cue my heart swelling and stomach dropping all at the same time.
Now there is nothing I love more than bragging about my little brother. And I love bringing friends to his games to watch him play. And I’m ridiculously close to my family so introducing the people in my life to them is really important to me. Hence the heart swelling.
But then there was the stomach drop. Hold up a second, that would mean The Twin would be MEETING MY FAMILY. Woah. Now, it’s clear that I really like him. I’ve become that neurotic girl I hate so much when he doesn’t call for like two days (which, yes, everyone was right about. He wasn’t getting home from work until like 1am on those days. We talked about it) and that in and of itself indicates how much I care about this guy. But meeting my family is a big thing for me. As I said about they are a huge part of my life. And I don’t know if I’m ready to bring The Twin into that. Which just made me realize that we were in more of a grey area than the one we were painting. So now what to say?
Luckily he rescued me from having to answer, the moment those words had left his mouth he looked down at me from the ladder and said: Though I don’t think I’m quite ready to meet the fam yet.
Maybe it’s not so grey if we’re there together.Labels: dating |
posted by FINY @ Friday, October 21, 2005   |
Just remember take it 1 day at a time. And there is never a right time to meet the families, some times its better just to do and realize that in the end its what you think that is really important. Families in life are there to give you love but also make you nervous.
I don't know realistic it is for your particular situation, but I know that one thing that helped me with meeting my fianceé's family was to meet them 1 or 2 at a time. Depending on the size of the family, meeting everybody at once can be overwhelming. Maybe you can spread it out somehow?
It would be fun to bring him, but it may be a bit early. But I can't talk. It took 8 months for me to introduce my parents to a certain someone, not that it ended up making any difference anyway.
whoa... if the twin is meeting the family this weekend, that no way gives me enough time to fly over. and i would come back for this -- it would be definite entertainment the moment your mum gets to meet him!
Maybe you should hold off on him meeting your family until you don't freak out when he doesn't call you back within 30 seconds...
*beej runs away fast*
at least if the family don't like him there'll be hockey sticks at hand to beat him with.
That wasn't really very helpful, was it?
Lol to all of you. The point is, I'm not ready for him to meet the family, and he ain't ready to meet then either, so it all works out. We've only been dating for three months, and as I get older I'm more protective about who I bring into that part of my life. No need to confuse my father with guys he won't need to remember in six months :)
A loooooooong time ago (ok only 5 years) meeting my family was kind of a test for the guy. If he stuck around after he met them, then he could stay!
With a family like mine you've gotta be slightly crazy and really open-minded.
I ended up marrying a man whose family makes mine look like the Brady Bunch. Go figure.
Anyway, good call on The Twins part for being able to say that he wasn't ready. Some women would've taken offense to that. Not YOU of course, but some really clingy insecure women. =)
Big Tool For You says: I think you should bring him home for Thanksgiving. We can all go to the bonfire and then go get drunk at the dunes. I remember when I met the fiance's family. It was scary because it is hard to face the father and know that you've seen his little girl naked. I for one feel he should be coming home for some of the holidays, and there is nothing at all to be worried about with your family. By the way, let me know who wins Buddy's hockey game.
Nice post, FINY. Hope you enjoyed the game!
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Just remember take it 1 day at a time. And there is never a right time to meet the families, some times its better just to do and realize that in the end its what you think that is really important. Families in life are there to give you love but also make you nervous.