Sunday, November 27, 2005 |
Blogging From Barrington |
Well, it's almost time to head home to New York (Mom, stop glaring at me for calling New York home...). I know I've been away from the blog for a while, but I really needed this break. Work went crazy right before I left. My personal life was hectic. And I was trying to prepare to pack to come home to Barrington (better, Mom?). I could barely find the time to breathe let along blog.
But I'm back now and I'd like to discuss a recurring annoyance I've encountered in my 4.5 days in Rhode Island. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. It literally sends chills down my spine when it happens. And far FAR too many people commit the sin daily. The crime they commit? Put simply - chewing with their mouths open.
No joke this bothers me to NO end. Seriously people, I don't need to hear you chew. And I REALLY don't need to see you chew. And please GOD stop trying to talk to me while chewing.
I don't know why this bothers me so much but it literally makes me twitch. At Thanksgiving dinner, at the movies, while out having lunch with cousins, I was assaulted all weekend by the sounds of my fellow diners mashing their food between their teeth.
Is it really that hard to close your lips while chewing? I always thought it a common courtesy, but perhaps I'm wrong? Perhaps I have overly sensitive hearing? Though you would think all of the concerts I've been to would have dulled that sense not heightened it.
Regardless of why it bothers me I am very much looking forward to eating my next meal by myself, in my apartment, with my lips firmly shut.Labels: misc. |
posted by FINY @ Sunday, November 27, 2005   |
People who don't chew with their mouths closed are rude.
As are those who don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.
I don't want your icky germs on me.
Hope you enjoyed your trip home - if you're heading into another stressful week, remember, there's only 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas :)
Damn, and I haven't started shopping yet.
I TOTALLY agree (a first I know). I hate it when people eat with their mouths open and I hate it even more when people talk with their mouths full. It drives me nuts!
Thankfully I haven't been a party to that this weekend. But as for the people who don't cover their mouths/noses when they cough or sneeze, that's just gross.
Totally gross. There are lots of gum snappers on the NYC subways. Incredibly rude.
you know what? sometimes, even when people are chewing with their mouths closed, i still kinda can't take it :) if a person is chewing a certain way and it's too quiet in the room for me to ignore, it just irks me, and i need to leave.
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People who don't chew with their mouths closed are rude.
As are those who don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.
I don't want your icky germs on me.
Hope you enjoyed your trip home - if you're heading into another stressful week, remember, there's only 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas :)
Damn, and I haven't started shopping yet.