Tuesday, September 20, 2005 |
I Hate Being Sick |
Well, it's all caught up to me. Again. I pushed my body to do too much and party too hard and I am now being rewarded with a hacking cough, a dripping nose, and sinuses that feel like they're about to explode.
I want to write about the weekend. About how great it was to be in Boston again. About how at 3am a friend and I decided to just walk around Fenway and the great conversation that ensued. About how frustrated I am with the Sox right now. But instead I am expending every ounce of energy I have just to haul myself out of bed, get dressed, and go into work.
I will write about all that soon, I promise. As soon as the NyQuil lets me.Labels: misc. |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, September 20, 2005   |
Feel better!! I was going to e-mail you to cancel our biweekly coffee for tonight, but considering how you're feeling, we shouldn't have gone out anyway.
OMG, I'm totally sick now too. And from too much partying this weekend. Heh. Must be going around.
I hope you get to feeling better soon. My allergies are frickin' killing me at the moment so I sorta feel your pain.
our biweekly coffee for tonight
Have you considered that drinking coffee in the evening might just make it a wee bit tough to sleep through the night?
Oh yeah, and feel better finy!
you'd better perk up for this weekend kiddo - the Sox need our support (and you might be called on to pitch some middle relief the way things are going!).
Most of the time when we get together I have hot chocolate - and coffee actually makes me tired. Caffeine has the reverse affect on me.
Esther- believe it or not, hot chocolate has almost as much caffeine as coffee! But I suppose if it makes you tired it does not really matter, eh?
hope you're better soon, Finy! Don't be running up to times square with a fever or anything. least not on my account.
I hope you feel better! I wanna get together soon.
Yeah! Feel better cutie! I was run down all this past weekend. Had a cold before that too. We should trace it back through all who have had this cold and passed in on, and kick whoever's ass it is that started it. You in?
Easy does it/I worked 2 OT Tours, & tonight, an hour nap, turned into 9.5 hours sleep. Yes, the Olde Towne Team is down, not out.
We'll all be fine. Get your rest!
Hmmm, I find it interesting that you and Jack seem to suffer from the same symptoms. Intriguing. I hope you both feel better soon, so you can fill me in on the weekend. Sounds like you guys had a rip-roaring good time.
Hope you feel better!
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