Friday, September 02, 2005 |
Out of Ideas |
Ok all help a girl out. I have no clue what to write about. I'd rather not tear up while posting so writing about Katrina's kind of out and that was the only real idea I had. So throw some topics out there. Actually, let's do a Q&A ... ask me ANY question and I'll answer. I know I know, that's entering dangerous territory, but list the questions and I'll create an entirely new post to answer them all (I love how I am saying them all like I have a bazillion readers or something, instead of the 15 or so of you who actually read this every day!)
So fire away. What are you burning to know about Finy?
EDIT: I'm going to remind you all that I know how many of you visit this page every day, I am going to be very disappointed if I don't hear from everyone who reads this post. You don't want to make Finy sad right before a long weekend, do you? DO YOU?!Labels: misc. |
posted by FINY @ Friday, September 02, 2005   |
Do you have any hot, female, single, smart friends who live in Boston who are just dying to date an adorably bald Sox fan? :)
How'd you end up living in New York. And where else would you live if it was an option?
Ok I have a real one. What are the funniest search words that were used to find your blog?
No need to keep it clean, folks. I'm a smaller, less boisterous version of my mother. And I tell her everything. Trust me when I say nothing would shock her. Actually if she ever had her own blog, I am sure she'd shock ME.
How do you pronounce FINY? Is it like "finny"? Or perhaps "fine-e". Or is is just "F I N Y"?
Well I definitly don't want to ruin a long weekend so I've got a few questions.
1. Who is your favorite National League team?
2. Who is your favorite non-Red Sox player? (and you can't pick alumni like Bellhorn or any other former player, thats cheating)
3. What is your favorite brand of beer?
I had no intention of posting a question until I saw the note at the end that Big Brother FINY is watching and will be upset if we don't...now I'm stuggling to think of anything to ask.
Why has there been no mention of the Twin this week?
Becki - It's pronounced 'finny'. I know, cause I'm the one who came up with the name in the first place. :)
Are you ever going to answer these questions?
It's a rule never to let a cute girl be sad on the weekends, so here:
When are you going to get me your digits so I can TM annoy you like I do with Aurora? ;O)
And also:
What's your biggest regret to date?
Why on earth do you not like yogurt, you freak???
What is your name?
What is your quest?
Now choose any of the following What is your favorite color? What is the capitol of Assyria? What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
P.S. I got nothing. Have fun.
how do you get so many comments, finy? you threaten that you will be sad, and that works?
One simple question?? What is the greatest Historical Moment that has defined your life (non sports related)?
please, please, tell me now... is there something I should know?
What would really make you happy, this weekend?
More posts about ass, maybe.
sorry... i'm a perv...
Coke or Pepsi, boxers or briefs, I dunno. Geez, this is hard. Why don't you tell me what I should write about?
Uh... are you gonna cheer for Bellhorn ever again? (Not if he's facing Wakefield, obviously, but I'm actually kinda not sure for myself.)
Renteria ALMOST RUINED it, tonight for me. I guess that he almost ruined it, for everybody. SOX won, anyhow 7-6.
Ok, apparently I'm late, but one question was already taken - why haven't you posted about the Twin? So my next question is how do you really feel about my nagging you to quit smoking, and will you ever do it?
Wow guys, this is incredible! I'm starting to work on the answers now. Feel free to keep adding to the list if you'd like ...
I think I could find a way to shock your mom... hell I can find a way to shock anyone ;-)
Now my question - if you could re-live one moment in your life, what would it be?
Do these pants make me look fat?
Here's one. Might be revealing state secrets though.
Is it true that a girl knows the first time she sees a guy whether she will eventually have sex with him?
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Do you have any hot, female, single, smart friends who live in Boston who are just dying to date an adorably bald Sox fan? :)