Thursday, August 25, 2005 |
Sniffle Sniffle |
Well, my week has officially caught up with me. I think I just sneezed a dozen times. This is not good.
Monday was a relatively low key day. There was some laundry. Some waiting for the phone to ring. Some new roommate bonding. And then some more waiting for the phone to ring.
Tuesday was pretty rushed. Missy was in the city for the last time during this semester break and I met up with her for a drink after work. Note to all NYCers. The Barking Dog? Terrible service. It took us FOREVER to get our check. We literally had to chase the waitress around. After that it was appetizers and drinks at MM's new place. It's really amazing what she's done with the space, it's absolutely adorable. So those of us that helped her move were treated to beer, wine, and food. And a few games of Scategories. God I love that game.
Last night was a night out with the girls. KO, Meegan (Meegan I am assuming it's Ok to use your name since that's what you post under?), LM, and MC (the Philly fan friend) and I all gathered at the bar somewhere around 6. And left somewhere around midnight. And I don't know about the girls but I hadn't eaten. let's say I am pretty damn tired today.
And sneezing.
The best part? It doesn't stop now until Sunday! Tonight the twin, the welshman, J, the rocker and I are all watching the Sox game down at Phebe's. While I hold out absolutely no hope of us winning tonight, it's like train wreck, I just have to watch this start by Schilling.
Then tomorrow my friend Timlinin8th comes to visit for the weekend and lord knows we're going to be wasted the whole time.
Can I take a nap now?Labels: misc. |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, August 25, 2005   |
Hey there, you need to start pacing yourself a bit. Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself though!!!
Don't I know it! It's so tough cause it always seems like I'll go weeks without going out too hard and then a week like this will hit and it will be my only chance to see certain people and it's all at the same time!
Not only can't my body take it but neither can my wallet. But then again, I guess that's all just part of being 20-something in NYC.
I know all about the sleep deprivation - between my work for Jonathan and the bris (circumcision) that I went to this morning that started at 7:30 in the Bronx (I had to leave my apartment by 6:30), I can totally relate. The underneath part of my desk is looking very comfy right now...
Hear hoping Schilling does better in this spot. Sounds like you have a lot of fun when you go out. Someday I'll catch up with you for a Sox game!!
Haha, I almost made plans to go to Phebe's tonight (but for dinner, not for sports-watching). But I'm going somewhere else. As far as not eating last night, that is what the chips are for! It may not be the healthiest meal, but it's free!
We win tonight. Mark it down. Lima is a lunatic, and we're going to pound him. Curt'll keep us in it.
BSM perhaps you should meet us at Phebe's to take in the game so you can rub it in my face when Schill is nails?
I SWEAR one of these days I am getting you out to the bar.
How about Saturday? Since most of us are already going to be there, and there is even an outside chance (real outside so don't get too excited FINY) BSM can meet the girl I've been cheating on the Sox with. :-)
When are we meeting Saturday?
By there I mean 212 Sports Bar.
All That Sneezing, may be a sign of some allergies. Your part of RI, & Brooklyn, may be as different as Night & Day, Climate-Wise.
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Hey there, you need to start pacing yourself a bit. Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself though!!!