Friday, August 12, 2005 |
You're Gushing |
We were eating $1.50 cheeseburgers and swiging from dewy Bud Light bottles when I checked my phone.
"It's weird when the Sox have an off night"
It was from The Twin.
Nothing huge, just a simple little message. I texted him back quickly asking if the kitchen remodling wasn't keeping his attention, when the Welshman's girlfriend broke out of the conversation at the table and said "The man just texted you didn't he?" I could FEEL myself blush. How the hell had she known?
"He did, didn't he, I can tell, you're like GUSHING over there!" I hadn't even noticed, but I guess a smile had come to my face. And now it wouldn't go away since I was now sitting, embarassed, with three sets of eyes on me. I excused myself to the bathroom to escape for a minute.
As I came back the Welshman and his girlfriend were in a conversation about what had just transpired.
Apparently "gushing" means something COMPLETELY different in Wales. Thank God we're in the US because if I had been "gushing" in Wales ... well let's just say it's not something most people like to do in public.Labels: dating |
posted by FINY @ Friday, August 12, 2005   |
wow. there are so many different things that could mean. why don't you just tell us?
Now where would be the fun in that?! :)
Ahhhh, how much gushing I was doing, in celebration of last night's game, as the beer had that special effect.
The fun in that = not dealing with those of us who can make our own meanings for it, and will then duly mock you.
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wow. there are so many different things that could mean. why don't you just tell us?