Saturday, August 20, 2005 |
Just a Random Quote |
"I love making you smile."
Which of course, I did.Labels: dating |
posted by FINY @ Saturday, August 20, 2005   |
Oh no! The cuteness is taking over. In another week, all baseball talk will be replaced by puppies and kittens.
That's it, just for that I am writing a baseball post later tonight. :p
Thanks Aurora and Gimpy, YOU guys get it. Stupid boys ...
Oh fine. I make one little joke and everybody's all, "Stupid typical guy." I see what you're like. It's just a girls club for girls around here. :)
See, CK, you've got beejer too! And JMD's around here somewhere. Actually 80% of my friends are guys that's why I need to gush in here LOL.
Of course I say this as I sit here waiting for the damn phone to ring since I haven't spoken to the twin (other than some quick text messages and an email or two) since the night those words were uttered.
Perhaps I should just stop thinking about the whole damn thing altogether.
"That's it, just for that I am writing a baseball post later tonight. "
hmmm... what followed this didn't look like too much of a baseball post, but I guess you could argue in an existential way it does. :-D
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