Wednesday, August 31, 2005 |
Damn you Macca!
10 years ago – I was going into my junior year of high school. I was a huge drama and choir dork who played softball and got good grades. I had yet to start dating, I was incredibly self-conscious, let’s call this the awkward stage.
5 years ago – About to enter my junior year of college. Was dating “the ex” for almost a year at that point. Was a complete do-gooder. Involved in a ton of on-campus activities, still playing softball, working for the Dean of Students, and was about to start my first internship in publishing.
Yesterday – Woke up after sleeping for a LOT of hours. Went to work. Worked. Went to Grassroots with Meegan, MC, LM, MC, KO and others for KO’s birthday.
5 snacks I enjoy – Brie and crackers, ice cream, chex mix (the original kind), string cheese, and anything chocolate.
5 songs I know all the words to – Just five?! I retain the lyrics to songs with freakish skill. But off the top of my head: Shoop (TLC), Two Step (DMB), Lose Yourself (Eminem), La Vie Boem (from the musical Rent), and Step By Step (New Kids on the Block!)
5 things I would do with $100 million dollars – Pay off my debt, pay off my family’s debt, buy my parents a house, pay for my brother’s college education, buy myself an apartment in the Villiage, buy season tickets to the Red Sox, buy all of my friends presents … oh wait, you said just five …
5 places I would run away to – Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Ireland, Italy, my bedroom
5 things I would never wear – a string bikini, hot pants, middrift bearing shirts, a Yankees hat, a Yankees jersey
5 favorite tv shows – Friends, Sex and the City, Family Guy, Law and Order, The West Wing
5 biggest joys – reminding myself that I’m surviving, on my own, in New York City, spending time with my family and friends, finishing a story I’m realy proud of, singing on the Lincoln Center stage when I was a senior in high school, hitting a softball right on the sweet spot.
5 favorite toys – my computer, my ipod, um, yeah I think that’s it!
I won’t force this on anyone, but I think you all should do it anyway.Labels: misc. |
posted by FINY @ Wednesday, August 31, 2005   |
Wear a YANKEE Hat? It would be a sign that You're NOT a Baseball Fan. Besides, a Yankee hat is NOT a Sign of someone, who's INTELLIGENT, Anyway.
BTW, my iBook, is my favorite Gizmo.
I was waiting for someone from the board to post that JMD. I was hoping it was going to be me, but you beat me.
I very specifically did not read the info about Brie so that I could keep eating it thankyouverymuch!
NEW KIDS??!!!! ACK, thats just plain scary!!
Good call finy - don't read that thread and stick to your brie lovin' guns!
Also, I'm a little surprised that 2 yankee items appeared on the 'wouldn't wear' list yet pink Sox caps didn't.
Darren, you know you loved New Kids don't try to deny it!
Beejer, I would rather wear pink sox apparel than bring anything Yankees related anywhere NEAR my body. ;)
Brie & string Cheeses are my favorite/anyone using a PowerBook, is OK in my iBook. I like Traditional Baseball Caps. Pink Baseball Caps, are a Sign of CFB Syndrome.
Who was your favorite New Kid? Mine was Jordan.
I love Brie Cheese.
And I enjoyed reading your list.
We both got tagged, so at least we've got that going for us.
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Wear a YANKEE Hat? It would be a sign that You're NOT a Baseball Fan. Besides, a Yankee hat is NOT a Sign of someone, who's INTELLIGENT, Anyway.