Tuesday, July 12, 2005 |
Red Sox Slacker |
One of the downfalls of being a Red Sox fan outside of the NESN media market is that when you have busy weeks, as I've had the last two or three, you end up missing an awful lot. There's just only so much you can pick up from the box scores, and even with he Yankees starting to breathe down our necks, the NY Papers aren't covering the Sox all the much.
Last week I was so horribly out of the loop that when my boss's husband and I checked the lineup of Thursday's game from the bar, I didn't even know who the hell was playing shortstop. Cora? Who the hell is that?!
Without cable or internet at home, and with a busy work schedule, I've been scrambling desperately to catch up. And it couldn't have come at a worse time. With the Yankees surging I've got our mailroom guys asking me if I can hear the footsteps coming up behind me. I've got the security guards in my office building telling me to watch out. I've got Yankees fans everywhere throwing numbers at me that I can't argue because I don't know anything from the last two weeks. And as we approach the trade deadline, I don't even know what outlandish trade rumors are floating around (because I am sure there are about a thousand, this time of year always gets on my nerves).
It's time for me to buckle down. You can't be a Sox fan in this city without being obsessive. I am convinced that when a Sox fan moves to NYC the level of their fandom increases by leaps and bounds. Why? Because it has to. Because living in enemy territory means being attacked at every turn. And the only way to defend yourself is to know everything possible. In order to be able to argue with the rest of the city you've really got to know your stuff.
It's a battle I'm losing this week. But give me a few days and I'll be back on track. Watch out Yanks fans, FINY's reloading. |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, July 12, 2005   |
it is tough living outside of the area that your team is from. I've been a Cowboy fan all my life and last season I finally got the Sunday Ticket so I got to keep track of them. Try to watch sportscenter as much as possible and try to read the boston globe sports section as much as possible to keep up. Sox were on Fox here this weekend but you weren't here. Yanks/Sox this weekend so you will get the next 4 sox games....
Papi disappointed last night not reaching the derby finals....
Sox sox sox sox. Trust me I know exactly how you feel. I lived in Rhode ISland, Sox, Bruins and Pats territory. I wear my heart on my sleeve with sports. I wear it hard. But the best thing about it is the jounrey and realizing that those that oppose you are no different, except for maybe a giant foam finger or two.
Yup. When I lived in New England, I could forget about baseball for a week if I had work or school or was in the hospital or something. No such option here. I gotta know each Sox starter's record, plus how badly Kevin Brown / Giambi / Yankee slumper du jour is doing, too, so I can throw that back when I hear some nonsense about "wait until the playoffs." Yeah, right. We're going to crush you in the playoffs, if you even make it....
Oh, and Ari: Nice, but Yankee fans are different, because we're right and they're wrong.
I definitely morphed into a much bigger fan of the Sox after I moved down here for school. I think it is, as you posit, a natural defense mechanism we have in order to defend ourselves from the idiots.
You need to know both teams inside and out to be able to counter the crap people throw at you. Sometimes it's to the point where the "fans" in my office would come to me asking "what happened in the Yankee game last night?" or "what's up with so and so Yankee player".
FINY, if you want to get caught up, just come into chat and ask. We'll take care of you in your time of no Internet at home!
for what it's worth, even being a fairly obsessive type fan (albeit living in pittsburgh) cora (and stern) took me by surprise on their first day on the lineup too.
In my INTENSE Dislike of the NY Yankees, as I live, here, in The Land of Al Yankeezeera, though in Queens, where Shea Stadium, home of Anti-Al Yankeezeera, is located as a friendly home in exile of RSN-NY, I can't wait for the 4 Game Series, & will be watching @ 1 of the Red Sox Bars(NOT Riviera Cafe', the Yankee Wannabe Place on W. 4th Street), where The RSN-NY, commiserates together. I hope to see you @ 1 of those places, on Thursday.
Nothing wrong with a little slacking here and there ;O) mayeb you'll make it to deputy status soon ;O)
Dale Sveum is a Slacker, especially @ Game Time.
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it » »
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it is tough living outside of the area that your team is from. I've been a Cowboy fan all my life and last season I finally got the Sunday Ticket so I got to keep track of them. Try to watch sportscenter as much as possible and try to read the boston globe sports section as much as possible to keep up. Sox were on Fox here this weekend but you weren't here. Yanks/Sox this weekend so you will get the next 4 sox games....
Papi disappointed last night not reaching the derby finals....