Wednesday, June 29, 2005 |
Screaming in my Head |
I am listening to the MLB Audio webcast of hte Sox game right now. Doug Mirabelli just hit a homerun to put the Sox ahead 4-2 and I literally threw my hands in the air and opened my mouth as if I could actually yell. Of course I didn't but i could hear it in my head.
Oh my lord!!!!
OK, just did the same thing all over again. Mark Bellhorn just followed up with a back to back homer! See? See? Bellhorn is NOT as bad as everyone says. I have a huge soft spot in my heart for that man and moments like this only justify it more.
I am sorry for the ramble here, especially for those of you who are not Red Sox fans (or even baseball fans for that matter) but since I can't celebrate while in the office (can't make it too obvious I am listening to the game through my headphones) I needed to gush somewhere :) |
posted by FINY @ Wednesday, June 29, 2005   |
I don't see why listening to the game at work is any different than listening to music. And it's not like it's a surprise to your boss/coworkers that you'd be listening!
my outlook on Belhorn is so he strikes out a lot, but he seems to come through when you really really REALLY need it. Look at the ALCS, he came through HUGE. It's Trot that we have to worry about!
OH. MY. GAWD. I cannot believe that happened. I am so ecstatic.
Oh my God Meegan I think I just fell out of my desk chair because of you.
Ecstasy In RSN-NYC/Team was "Saved By The Bell"Horn!
Let's all celebrate!
Frig AFBoone!
Amy I may not agree with you even a LITTLE bit, but YAY you're back!!!!
woah, woah, woah... FINY, i agree that bellhorn is not 'that' bad...maybe one notch, ok, a notch and a half better than 'that' bad (especially when you come to expect a strikeout...anything else becomes a pleasant surprise). but folks, what's all this trot nixon business? compared to bellhorn he is a baseball god. is there something i missed?
i am at a disadvantage as i am only able to watch about a game a week but i hadn't notice any poor play by nixon at all. to the contrary, the last few games i've seen involved excellent fielding and batting by nixon. this has me intrigued... his numbers seem to be in order .298 BA, .378 OBP (just behind damon), his fielding ranks 3rd behind vlad guerrero and ichiro... where's are the numbers to support his doing bad things to donkeys? i'll be doing some further research to get to the bottom of this...
The Trot business is: He can't hit lefty's..WORTHLESS!!
I don't even want to know someone who can't appreciate Trot Nixon. He's been excellent when he's played this year, though he could stand to improve his power numbers a bit.
I didn't even know there were Sox fans that DIDN'T like Trot.
Now, the Bellhorn hating... that's old hat.
ok, trot doesn't start against lefties because everyone knows he sucks against them, right? but that's exactly why the sox signed payton, so he can play in the games started by left-handed pitching. payton bats .287 lifetime against lefties and is a good fielder, so all in all right field is well covered. nixon has a .218 lifetime average against lefties though this season in 28 at bats is .268 with an OBP of .394. those numbers are pretty damn good for someone who can't hit lefties.
Reason #137 to love FINY - she appreciates my binky, Mark Bellhorn. I have the MLB Extra Innings package so I can watch the non-weekday, non-blacked out games, so naturally 50% of Bellhorn's HRs have happened during weekday games or FOX blackout games.
Also, I am wondering what form of drugs would lead someone to feel that Trot Nixon is "worthless." In fact, I think Alan Embree is jealous of Nixon stealing his title.
What'd I say?! You seem like a nice girl with an irrational hatred for crazy awesome RFers :)
I always try and keep on top of the Twins games, luckily i don't have to keep it to myself as much :O)
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I don't see why listening to the game at work is any different than listening to music. And it's not like it's a surprise to your boss/coworkers that you'd be listening!