Tuesday, April 17, 2007 |
Words Are My Weakness |
It was a good thing I brought my most recent Time magazine with me. Typically, my subscriptions to Time and Sports Illustrated serve as reading material for my breakfast in the morning, occasionally my commute. I'll get an article in here and there. I hardly ever have the time to sit down and read through an entire issue in one sitting. But Saturday was a bit different.
Two hours, two subways, and a bus ride later, I found myself in the far reaches of the Bronx, having read through the entire issue I had brought with me, and walking towards a Barnes and Noble just blocks from Co-Op City.
I was on my way to meet Dave Copeland, an online friend who, one of his recent posts reminded me, I've "known" for a little over two years. Having just released his first book, Blood and Volume, Dave was doing a reading and after having heard about the project for so long on his blog, I was excited both to finally meet him, and to get my hands on a copy of the book.
Neither disappointed. Dave's just as friendly in person as I expected him to be, and the book? Let's just say that it's a good thing I had finished my magazine on the way to the event because there was no chance I was reading it on the way home. The two hours flew by as I was completely drawn into the world of the Israeli mafia members that populate the pages of Blood and Volume.
Now normally, I'd feel a little bad about overly praising the work of someone I consider a friend. It ends up sounding just so incredibly biased. Mainly because it is. But when you think about it, this one makes sense. I mean, I got to know Dave online through his blog, so really - it was his writing that drew me in the first place. What can I say, I'm a sucker for someone who can string a sentence together.
Of course there were a few awkward moments in the afternoon. Dave not being able to remember my real name when going to sign the book for me (though in truth, I've had that problem with others in the past - if Dave blogged under a pseudonym the way I do I am sure my first inclination would have been to call him by it). And I would have loved to have been able to hang out a bit longer, but with Dave surrounded by actual friends, I ended up feeling like the would-be online stalker girl or something. And nobody wants to be that girl.
So off I went, having picked up a great book, a new "real" friend (as Dave's inscription in the book so aptly put it), and an interesting start to what turned out to be a very packed Saturday.
But more on that later ...Labels: blogging, books, misc., NYC |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, April 17, 2007   |
Thanks for your kind comments. But for the record:
1) I did know your real name. I just wanted to make absolutely certain I had it right.
2) You are an actual friend, a real friend or whatever you want to call it. If I had been a better friend, I would have offered you a ride back down but as it turns out, your two hours was quicker than the time we made it back, given the traffic.
Again, thanks for coming out and for the great plug.
1. Ok, you hesitated and then asked. So I GUESS I could ammend that to say "had to get confirmation on..." 2. Oh hush up you know just what I meant. You were surrounded by people you had met before that day.
And yeah, considering I made it back to Brooklyn before you made it to the West Village, I'd say I chose the right mode of transportation :)
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Thanks for your kind comments. But for the record:
1) I did know your real name. I just wanted to make absolutely certain I had it right.
2) You are an actual friend, a real friend or whatever you want to call it. If I had been a better friend, I would have offered you a ride back down but as it turns out, your two hours was quicker than the time we made it back, given the traffic.
Again, thanks for coming out and for the great plug.