We all have our memories of September 11th. Where we were, what we were doing, how we reacted. Some of us lost loved ones, friends, family members. There's very little I could write or say today. I won't be attending any of the memorials that are taking place literally all over the city. Part of me would feel like a fraud. So many people in this city lost someone that day, were here, they saw it. They smelled the smoke and watched the explosions, and ran from the debris. I was sitting in Boston, MA, watching it all on television, safe in the knowledge that everyone I knew was nowhere near the Towers.
But I'll be thinking about it all day. There's no way to escape that. But instead of mourning, I'll choose to remember how a country rallied around two cities and a small town in PA. How in those first few weeks political affiliations went out the window. How people banded together to help each other out. And I'll wonder where in the last five years we lost that.
photo from the University of Virigina page here: http://www.virginia.edu/911/ Labels: misc. |
& on my blog, I carry a story about a Retired FDNY Firefighter & Ironworker, who tested positive for Asbestos & the Cancer, which will follow:
He played The Bagpipes @ Ground Zero;
Only 20 Survived the Collapse of The Twin Towers;
& 2 Amigos were with FDNY;
They never made it;
1 Widow got all the remains of her husband;
The Other Widow only got her husband's Uniform & his leg;
& I cried for part of the day;
& that Retired Firefighter/Bagpiper/Ironworker said "I can't wait for September 12th to begin, as I've had enough of 9/11. I'm making my Novena, Now";
His Novena was an Ice Cold Bottle Of Budweiser, @ Woodhaven House, an Irish Pub, on The Rego Park-Middle Village Border, on Woodhaven Blvd, in Queens, just up that Blvd from where I live;
& The Street Signs, in Glendale & Middle Village, Queens, are constant reminders of 9/11/01;