Thursday, September 07, 2006 |
My Mom Is The Cutest |
Seriously, she really is. The nonprofit organization that I work for is holding its annual Walk in a few weeks. My parents, being the ever supportive people that they are, are coming to visit for the weekend in order to attend the event. Since I'll be working I called my mother this afternoon with a proposition - volunteering. When given a list of potential duties we came upon one that got her all excited: passing out pennants to Walkers.
I can see it already. I know exactly what's going to happen. There will be thousands of very small, very cute children at this event. She will spend all day, with my father lagging behind her wondering how he got roped into this seeing as he's mildly anti-social, going up to every kid there and expressing how "cunnin'" they are.
I can't wait to see it, I really can't. She's going to have a blast with it. It's already bringing a smile to my face.Labels: family |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, September 07, 2006   |