Friday, December 09, 2005 |
Just a Thought |
Was the sound of snow falling the first occurence of "white noise"? Labels: misc. |
posted by FINY @ Friday, December 09, 2005   |
Hmm...I'd never pondered this before. I love the oddly muffled sounds when it is snowing or has just snowed.
On the subject of snow: I hope for your sake that the storm that came through here last night doesn't dump as much snow on you in New York as it did here. I needed a personal trainer outside encouraging me to shovel all that snow.
I realize the inherent rhetoric nature of the question, but I'll be damned if I could resist finding an answer.
Sorry for the dorkitude.
I too love that muffled sound. I also like the way it smells outside right before it snows. My nose is a little weather predictor.
Too bad we're not in school - we would have had a snow day.
CK: We got pretty well pounded, but the worst was the weird slushing stage it went through. I don't envy your shoveling. The beauty of living in the city :)
Maine: Wiseass, I was trying to be clever :-P
Esther: I wanted a snow day soooo bad.
I have a snow day! Ah the wonders of the internet age. 'Work from home' is a lovely phrase.
you said you got pounded
*sigh* I want snow. I'll trade your slush for the cold rain we received.
No snow day here - but we did leave early.
I wish I could work at home - though I think I'd get too distracted.
I hate winter. How many days until I can wear my flip flops again?
Hmm, good question.
You know what sound I like? The sound of beer going down my throat.
Only a few short hours Meegan and we'll be in the beer guzzling heaven that is the After-L*&^%%$#-Holiday-Party-Drinkfest
assuming that snow fell sometime before humans appeared on the planet... if snow falls and there's nobody there to hear it, does it really make a sound?
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Hmm...I'd never pondered this before. I love the oddly muffled sounds when it is snowing or has just snowed.
On the subject of snow: I hope for your sake that the storm that came through here last night doesn't dump as much snow on you in New York as it did here. I needed a personal trainer outside encouraging me to shovel all that snow.