Friday, December 02, 2005 |
All in My Head |
Have you ever had those times in your life when literally every moment is consumed with one single issue? When, no matter what you're doing, it's there, gnawing away at the back of your brain, begging you to pay attention to it?
That's where I am right now. And it's why I haven't updated in a while. Because I can't bring myself to write about it yet, and to be honest, knowing who reads this, I am not sure I should.
Work has been a good distraction. To the point that I've stayed late all week just so I wouldn't go home and do what I've done every night for the last two weeks: sit on my bed, stare at episodes of the West Wing, and not hear a word of it because I am completely zoned out.
There are so many things I've wanted to write about here. The multiple movies I've gone to see this month, the recent Red Sox acquisitions, how great it feels to feel secure with the Twin, the list goes on and on.
But every time my fingers near the keyboard they just hover there, unable to get past the barrier. This is my effort to get past that. To not worry so much. To not think too hard. To get the hell out of my head and back into the world.
It's a step anyway.Labels: work |
posted by FINY @ Friday, December 02, 2005   |
Well I don't know what the particular issue is thats been eating at you, but I can relate. I often need to blog about something so badly that I simple can't blog about anything else. And I say 'need' purposefully - because usually when that happens it's something that I don't want to blog about. I'm still working on how to deal with that. One thing that I've done is to write the entry and then not post it. It's not the best solution but it does seem to help a bit.
Macca: that is a freaking brilliant idea. I am trying that at lunch. Maybe I'll do a few cartwheels too :)
Beej: I'm worried more about what this is doing to my actual life than I am about not blogging. I've just been a total space cadet with EVERYTHING lately. That can't be good.
Ok, totally didn't process that. Re-reading your entry I see what you're saying. Don't forget that you've got my number and you can call to vent any time you like.
I was wondering why you haven't posted lately. I hope it works out, whatever "it" happens to be.
You know I'm here if you need me!
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Well I don't know what the particular issue is thats been eating at you, but I can relate. I often need to blog about something so badly that I simple can't blog about anything else. And I say 'need' purposefully - because usually when that happens it's something that I don't want to blog about. I'm still working on how to deal with that. One thing that I've done is to write the entry and then not post it. It's not the best solution but it does seem to help a bit.