Monday, June 04, 2007 |
A World I Just Can't Escape |
I've never thought of myself as an internet junkie. I mean, sure, I've got my blog. And my myspace page. A few mentions here and there on old job websites, Alzheimer's Association newsletters, etc. Oh and of course there's my account on my new favorite time waster: www.goodreads.com.
Then of course there's the three email addresses. The AIM screen name. The dozens of blogs I read and comment on. I pay my bills almost exclusively online. Hell, I even order my groceries over the internet!
Is there an Internet Addicts Anonymous somewhere out there? Because I think I need to become a member.
Then again, it's got its upsides. I mean, without the internet, it would have been impossible for the almost instantaneous sharing of photos from the reunion this weekend (one of which features me kissing a gay guy. I’m sure that one will make mom proud). And I never would have met some very good friends I've made through this site. I also probably wouldn't have ended up making a scene in the middle of one of my favorite Boston bars this weekend, but what would the fun in that be?
That's right, Finy's got a story about being drunk and making out. Who's shocked? Yeah that's what I thought.
I haven't thought up a moniker for him yet (which he's going to be VERY disappointed by), but Saturday night found a long-time online friend and fellow blogger and I kind of sheepishly admitting mutual internet crushes on each other. Not going to tell you which one, since he very rarely talks about his personal life on his blog, and far be it for me to out him. But with so many drinks that evening, said admission did lead to making out like horny high school kids in the middle of a very well-lit bar. I'm nothing if not classy.
So while some people may not understand the internet addiction, I think I'll just ride mine out for a while. As if I ever really thought of escaping it in the first place.Labels: blogging, Boston, college, dating, drinking |
posted by FINY @ Monday, June 04, 2007   |
There was a time when I would have read about you hooking up with an Internet guy and I would've gotten a little jealous. But in this case, I am really happy for you.
Oh, who am I kidding? I'm really happy for me, too.
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There was a time when I would have read about you hooking up with an Internet guy and I would've gotten a little jealous. But in this case, I am really happy for you.
Oh, who am I kidding? I'm really happy for me, too.