Thursday, October 19, 2006 |
Trying Again |
Every November, thousands of writers across the country, and even across the world, set out to do what for me (up to this point anyway) has been impossible: to write a novel.
But there is a catch to National Novel Writing Month - you have to complete the project in a month. That's right, 50,000 words in exactly one month. You can outline your plot, create character sketches, do any background work you want to, but when it comes to actual writing, all of it has to be completely new, and totally original.
The beauty of the idea, at least from my perspective, is that since it is completely based on word count instead of content, you can write absolute crap for pages and pages. Hell at the end you may only have three pages worth anything. But it's three pages more than you had when you started now isn't it.
I tried last year. I think I got to about 2,500 words. I was thinking too hard and I know it. You can see me rant about my characters from last year here. This year that changes. This year, I don't care what it takes, I'm reaching 50,000. I'll write in the bar, I'll write on the subway, I will write every minute I'm not at work, I am going to write a novel if it kills me.
And to be honest, it may very well do just that.Labels: writing |
posted by FINY @ Thursday, October 19, 2006   |
It won't kill you....look at some of your most prolific blogging months and yu've probably scraped 10,000 or 15,000 words without even thinking about it.
You can do it...and the new hair looks great.
Sincerely, Someone who may or may not follow your madness and participate.
Well I hope it doesn't kill you, but I'd love to read the results of nanowrimo.
I've been thinking about the NNWM since last year and I want to give it a try too. Of course, I never actually wrote anything for my personal writing challenge last year...
In any case, good luck with this year's attempt.
Cope, you totally should! We can motivate each other!
Esther, honest the results of this are probably going to be the shittiest first draft I've ever completed, but hey it'll be more than I've written in years. Fictionally speaking that is. Now Cope's got me wondering about how many words this blog is!
Beejer, I say go for it! Like I said my first attempt was feeble, but that's just made me more committed to it this year!
Good luck FINY. So long as you build on last year you will be good.
Hey Finy, Good luck, I always had an idea for a book, but I am no writer I hope you do great.
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It won't kill you....look at some of your most prolific blogging months and yu've probably scraped 10,000 or 15,000 words without even thinking about it.
You can do it...and the new hair looks great.
Someone who may or may not follow your madness and participate.