Monday, October 16, 2006 |
The 2006 Memory Walk! |
Well, Memory Walk 2006 is now less than a week away so it's time for me to start begging people for donations.
As a bit of back story, the reason I am as involved with the Alzheimer's Association as I am is because it has, in the past, and is continuing to, affect my family. My great aunt passed away due to the disease and one of my great uncles is currently suffering from it. Alzheimer's has a reputation as being an "old people" disease, but I think what a lot of people who have not dealt with it on a personal level don't understand is how profoundly it changes the lives of those who care for people who have it. It is absolutely devastating to watch a loved one lose their memory. To watch as your mother or father, sister or brother, aunt or uncle, slowly forget who you are. Or how to bathe. Or feed themselves.
So for that reason, I obviously feel very strongly about supporting an organization that gives time and money to research, outreach, and education, in the hopes that one day we will find a cure. I'm well below the $500 goal I had set for myself. But if I can get 20 of my friends, family, readers, etc. to donate $15 a piece I can reach that goal. I know this is a tough time of year. We're all getting bombarded with charity walks that are all equally worthy. But if you happen to have an extra $15 laying around somewhere, I'd really appreciate the help.
My personal donation page is here.
Thanks for all your support, guys. I really appreciate it.Labels: Alzheimer's |
posted by FINY @ Monday, October 16, 2006   |
Thank you for all you do for this cause. You already know how I feel about it. I'm trying to feel inspired to write...maybe you'll help me out.
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Thank you for all you do for this cause. You already know how I feel about it. I'm trying to feel inspired to write...maybe you'll help me out.