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    Wednesday, October 18, 2006
    What A Weight Off!
    I walked into Professor Thom's last night to some serious double takes and a HUGE weight taken off my shoulders.


    Yesterday afternoon, I looked something like this:

    By the time I got to the bar, I looked something like this:

    It's tough to tell from the photos since the first isn't head on, the second is from a camera phone, and my hair is straight at the moment, but I took at least a couple inches off, though it will probably look like more once it's curly.

    This happens to be a habit of mine that has produced both good and bad results. Whenever I'm going through a rather emotional time I tend to try something drastic with my hair. Once or twice it's gotten me in trouble (read: at home highlights = BAD) but I think it worked out pretty well this time. It dragged me out of the funk I was in, so I'd say that's a step in the right direction at the very least.


    posted by FINY @ Wednesday, October 18, 2006  
    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger Meredith said…

      Love the hair!

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger Ari said…

      Look good. But this is coming from a married man who at times screws up the fact that his wife got a haircut.

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger FINY said…

      Thanks, Mer!

      Ari, my friend Barnard Boy warned me before I showed up at the bar that since he's a guy he most likely wouldn't have even noticed if I hadn't told him I was getting it cut. Once he actually saw it, he was like, ok, even I would have gotten that one. :)

    • At 10/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      you look fin-tastic!

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger Itchy said…

      Very cute!!! Makes me want to do something with mine!

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger Becki said…

      It looks like the drastic actions worked out in your favor this time. Your hair is very cute.

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger Jack said…

      While you know I love the curly hair, I'm always struck by how good you look with straight hair. And speaking of hair, I actually have some right now. In fact, I'm downright fuzzy at the moment. :)

    • At 10/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Very nice FINY. You look great with straight hair. I think I've only ever seen you with the curly hair.

    • At 10/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Wow, you look great! And that smile...

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger FINY said…

      aw, thanks guys! Talk about picking a girl up! Tomorrow it will be back to curly, but for the day, this straight hair thing was fun!

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger kate.d. said…

      great cut! it's hard to find a good hairstylist in the city, so stick with that one sister! :) i'm dreading trying to find a new one here in DC...

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger Esther said…

      Love it! I had a feeling you might be getting a haircut right about now, and it looks great. And I'm sure it will look awesome curly.

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger FINY said…

      kate.d: I intend to! And who would have thought that I'd find her at Astor Place Hair, the weirdest barber shop I've ever seen, that literally cost me next to nothing! Win, win, win!

      Esther: by the time you see it tomorrow it will be curly again, so we'll see.

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger Christine E. said…

      Lots of chnages for you, FINY....all loks great (I know how the whole cut your hair when your emotional goes...;-)

      And congrats on your new fur baby! She looks like my Beltaine--does her face disappear when she closes her eyes?

      Be well...

    • At 10/18/2006, Blogger East Coast Teacher said…

      Love the new 'do.

      I, too, am a huge fan of doing drastic things to my hair when I'm emotional.

      And I always end up feeling so refreshed. What is it about haircuts that have that effect?

    • At 10/22/2006, Blogger MattySox said…

      Finy, tell Kate D. to look up a place in Georgetown, DC called 1419 Style, and ask for my buddy, wife swears by him...

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    Name: FINY
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