Tuesday, September 26, 2006 |
Brain Dump |
Ok, it's been a crazy three days, and my head is spinning with stuff I want to mention, so a quick brain dump for you while I get an actual post together:
* The weekend in DC was absolutely awesome. There will be an entire post devoted to it once I get all of my notes together (because yes, I am a dork, and I took notes. How else was I supposed to remember all the stories Papa told me?) Matty, you were right, I didn't get your comment until I returned home. It would have been so great to meet you in person. Next time I am down there I promise I'll be in touch. And the same should go for you if you're ever in the NYC area.
* I know I haven't mentioned the Red Sox recently, but I have still been paying attention. But honestly, it hurts too much to talk about. Congrats to Papi though. At least there's something good that came out of the season.
* The Notre Dame game on Saturday ... yeah, we had absolutely no right winning that game. It was clear from the beginning that the media had overhyped the Fighting Irish, but holy lord, they have looked absolutely horrendous. It was quite the comeback and a very exciting game to watch, but damn, that was ugly.
* I made the mistake of forgetting to set my fantasy football line up before leaving for the weekend and got DESTROYED this week. I'm playing in a league with four of my guy friends from RI and one guy that one of them knows, so clearly I am trying to make sure I at least make a good showing as I'm the only girl in the league and this group tends towards the never-letting-you-live-something-down, so thankfully I am still in second with a 2-1-0 record, but still, I hope this isn't the beginning of a downward spiral.
* Is anyone else completely hooked on Studio 60? Watched the second episode last night, and yup, I'm in. I knew I'd love it since it's Sorkin, and I adored the West Wing, but I was afraid I had it built up too big in my head. Not the case. I love it.
* My job duties yesterday? Sit on a gold course for hours watching to see if anyone hit a hole in one, and then get dressed up to take people's money during a live auction all the while getting all the free food and drink that I wanted. Sometimes the non-profit world is awesome.
* This is going to get it's own post too, but it should be noted that in the week since my parents and I (ok more my parents than me) caulked and steel-wooled every nook and cranny of my kitchen a week ago I've seen only five or six roaches and they've all been tiny and on the verge of death. I am clearly keeping up the fight with sprays, keeping everything spotless, etc. But it feels like I am finally winning. And the major up-side of that? I am almost completely set up in the apartment. And loving every second of living on my own.
* This week is going to be crazy too, but damn if I'm not having a blast. Two weeks after The Twin walked out of my life, I feel better than I have in a LONG time. No more worrying about working him into my schedule. No more fears that I'm somehow annoying him. No more feeling like I constantly had to live up to some unknown standard. As selfish as it sounds I get to focus completely on me, and it's fantastic. Sure certain things still remind me of him - like the American flags I saw everywhere this weekend. Or the beads he bought me from Mardi Gras that I threw out last night as I unpacked my last box. But it doesn't hurt anymore. Now it's more of a "eh" feeling. Sure it's going to suck if I ever see him in the street with another girl, but only for a minute or two. Ok, maybe ten - days. But I'm getting there, I really and truly am.Labels: family, Fighting Irish, misc., Red Sox, sports |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, September 26, 2006   |
So happy to read this post.
I felt the same way after my breakup - and still do, if not even more so. Isn't it funny how much happier we are without men and those constant worries? All the things you listed were things I worried about, too.
And to not have those hanging over my head anymore is fandamntastic.
Here's to singledom.
Screw standards. Being paranoid that you didn't have the time for him wasn't a good sign. But it's all good because you seem SO much happier, even if you're super busy and seem to have cancelled on me yet again...don't worry, I have no problems waiting :-).
Well, I figured I'd miss you...you need to start posting about big shit in your life well before it happens, not just RIGHT before it happens! We'll meet somewhere someday...
Hey glad you had a kick ass time on your DC Trip and sounds like things are going awesome. Somethingt tells me really good things are right around the corner, (Just a hunch)
*Awesome. Very glad to hear the D.C. thing went well. It's rare that people get that opportunity to sit down with someone that was involved in WWII and you know personally. Like I said below, tremendous job by your family for doing that for your Grandfather.
*It's tough talking about them. I still watch, but I just can't talk about it because I can't deal with a lot of the idiocy that abounds right now. My only complaint is why is Kapler getting any playing time? Kapler should be permanently attached to the bench so that the young guys can get experience and seasoning.
*Don't really watch College Football so I can't comment on the Notre Dame chances, but it was an amazing comeback.
*Kick their ass.
*Hmmm... I might just have to go bittorrent the first two episodes to see if it's worth adding to my show rotation.
*Have you noticed the typo in this part of your post yet? Sounds awesome. I'm glad you are enjoying your new job especially after how the last one ended.
*Congrats on the roaches. We can never win the war against them, but winning your battle is all that really matters. Enjoy living on your own. It has it's downsides and upsides. I thoroughly enjoy not having to deal with roommate issues.
*Something happened to me similar. My subconscious is even ready to let go apparently. Had a pretty interesting dream about it. For some reason I saw ---- in person after talking to her on the phone. It was all pretty matter of fact. Nothing special, but then in my dream I noticed she had an engagement ring on. It didn't upset me. It didn't bother me one bit. I was happy. I congratulated her, and we finished our conversation. End of dream. Then I had some dreams about other ladies that confirmed it.
Hopefully this posts this time.
really, studio 60? i missed the first one and happened upon the second, and since i loved WW so much i thought i'd give it a chance. but after the hour was up, i was like, "eh." there's something there that's just not working, i think - it has all the same elements of WW, but it's just not clicking in the same way. i don't know if the actors just don't have the right chemistry, or whether it's just harder to care about tv production than governing, or what. but i was so not into it!
which is sad, because i know i'm going to be having WW withdrawal this season...
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So happy to read this post.
I felt the same way after my breakup - and still do, if not even more so. Isn't it funny how much happier we are without men and those constant worries? All the things you listed were things I worried about, too.
And to not have those hanging over my head anymore is fandamntastic.
Here's to singledom.