Wednesday, July 20, 2005 |
Sweatin' My Sox Hat |
My Sox hat is an extension of myself. This sounds dumb, but it is. The one I currently sport is the traditional blue Franchise hat (because while the fitted wool ones look great they get SO warm during the summer). This damn thing has been with me through a LOT. Raining outdoor concerts, kayaking and swimming in the Dominican, parties, beach visits, you name it. It's had beer thrown on it, it's been stepped on, it's been fully submerged in the ocean.
And yet it still had that relatively new look to it (just check out my profile pic for proof). I mean, it fit my head perfectly, and in certain places it was a bit off-color, but even after a year and a half this thing had yet to fade to the dull gray that marks a well loved baseball cap. That all changed last night.
Immediately upon getting home from the office I slapped on my mesh shorts, a crappy tank top, flip flops, and, of course, my Sox hat. I was on my way to help MM paint her new studio before Moving Day (today). Now, those of you in the NYC area know that last night was beyond hot. It was somewhere around 90 degrees, 95 percent humidity, and there were the four of us, in a tiny room, with no fan or AC, applying two coats of paint in a matter of only hours. I think I lost ten pounds in sweat.
What I noticed when I got home? No, I hadn’t gotten any paint on my beloved hat (though my shorts and tank top did not survive that fate) what I had done is doused the entire thing in the foulest smelling sweat I’d emitted since the last time I played competitive softball in college. This thing was NASTY. And I loved it. AS it dried it sort of flopped in on itself, splotches of different colors appearing all over it.
Who knew it would take a night of painting a NYC studio to “break in” a hat that had been slammed to the ground and stomped on after Game 7 in 2003, that had been sprayed with Tim Wakefield’s beer after Game 3 of the 2004 ALDS, that had been worn, religiously, every day of this years playoffs. That’s been to Yankee Stadium more times than some Yankees caps. Maybe the damn thing finally realized we had won the series and it could let loose a little :) |
posted by FINY @ Wednesday, July 20, 2005   |
I can totally relate. I have a now 95 devils hat that I retired in 99. It was so warn and so comfy. Their are times when I see it put it on and reflect, thats what so special about hats. They never ever go away.
I would say it's been there more tha MOST Yankee's hats considering all the posers who wear one and never so much as watch a game... heh.
Gotta love a good hat ;O)
i have a favorite beanie/skullcap that i work out in... it's ugly, it's sweaty, and it's porn-y (it's got a porn company's logo prominently displayed, which is why it's a gym hat in the first place - i can't wear it in polite company). the hat shoulda been thrown out years ago, but i still have it.
and yes, i've washed it. plenty of times. smartass.
I usually wear my hats until they warp out of shape for my head. My current Astros hat is on its last legs, it doesn't fit like it used to but I can still get it on my head. I think I'll retire it at the end of the summer.
I'd say that 95% of Yankee cap posers, never have seen the inside of YS.
Be careful of working with no ventilation.
Speaking of Yankee poser hats. Jere at A Red Sox Fan in Pinstripe Territory has a great anectdote about this in his game recap.
"Here's a good look into the yankee "fan" mentality. Guy in Anaheim catches a foul pop in the crowd. Turns back toward rest of crowd and holds up ball. Turns out he's got a yankee hat on. When crowd sees this, they start to boo him. Terribly, he quickly takes off the hat! He'd trade team loyalty for a moment in the sun. Oh, you don't like me? Well, okay, I'm not a yankee fan, then. You like me now? Granted, if he had taunted the crowd with his hat, I still would have called him a dick. But still, he shouldn't have been boasting about catching a really easy pop up in the first place."
Milea From Fenway: Amore flew, Ms. Finy.
Happy Birthday to my little one!
happy birthday...come back soon
Woohoo, twins beat the Yanks... gotta love it when a team with 100 million less in payroll can pull out a win :O)
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I can totally relate. I have a now 95 devils hat that I retired in 99. It was so warn and so comfy. Their are times when I see it put it on and reflect, thats what so special about hats. They never ever go away.