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    Friday, December 01, 2006
    The End of Nanowrimo ... or: How Real Life Got In The Way

    35,372. That's as far as I got. Part of me is supremely disappointed, another part of me is just happy to be writing again. Happy to have found a project that I am emotionally and intellectually excited by. Overjoyed to have found characters I enjoy. And frankly amazed that it took me this long to feel that spark again.

    In the end, my work situation was what did me in. My down time now is devoted to the job hunt. Writing resumes, cover letters, etc. Actually, if you factor all of the things I've written in the last month into my word count: this blog, the letters, etc. I've probably well exceeded the 50K goal. Just not on one project ;).

    Any suggestions on looking for a new position would be greatly appreciated. I am currently using:
    HigherEdJobs (cause hey, why not try to get a job AND a free Masters?)
    plus various company emploment opportunity webpages. I've sent out emails to my friends, former employers, and family. I've posted resumes online. I've done everything I can possibly think of. Landing my current position ended up being a complete stroke of luck. A friend I hadn't talked to in ages worked here and saw a "Please Help Me" posting I put up on myspace. I don't know that I am going to be that lucky this time. So any advice, what to do, what to avoid, where to go, etc. Would be greatly GREATLY appreciated. The idea of being unemployed in NYC right after the holidays is not an appealing thought.

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    posted by FINY @ Friday, December 01, 2006  
    • At 12/01/2006, Blogger Ari said…

      Hey Finy,

      LinkedIn has a job search functionality and its great for networking when looking for new work

    • At 12/01/2006, Blogger Esther said…

      I was going to say the same thing. And check out the NY Times Job Market. There's stuff posted there that isn't posted in other places. I'm really sorry that you got the short end of the stick on this one. If I hear of anything, I'll let you know.

    • At 12/01/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      what kind of work are you looking for? you can email me if you don't want to post it, or just give a broad'd be helpful in terms of potential search recommendations!

    • At 12/01/2006, Blogger Jack said…

      Congrats on getting over 35k! That's a heck of a lot of words and I hope that you'll have the time and motivation to finish the story (if you didn't within the 35k).

    • At 12/01/2006, Blogger Chief Slacker said…

      35,000 is DAMN impressive. I know I could come nowhere near that and not have it be horrid drivel. *3 pages is insane, i think the longest thing i've ever written, sans chart, graps and other calculations was like 13. And trust me, you don't want to read it. well, unless the dynamics of turbulent fluid flow get you all excited.

      Chief Slacker: Uber-Nerd at your service.

      I'll track down my NYC contact and see if they know of any good hook-ups.

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    Name: FINY
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