Tuesday, December 12, 2006 |
Brain Dump Part ... 23475 |
Really isn't everything I post here a brain dump? I've used that title so many times I don't even know what number I'm on now. So on with the brain dump:
* The interviews are going well. I had a second interview with one organization yesterday that included a writing test and providing them with writing samples (shockingly none of which I took from here). Today is the second interview for the position that I am REALLY excited about, so keep your fingers crossed for me.
* An unexpected up-side to the interview process? I had to go out and buy a new suit. Now, spending all that money, not so much fun. But on the whole, I tend to hate shopping. Seriously, I hate it more than most things. But shopping for a suit? Holy hell is that fun! I'm serious, it's fantastic. There's something about putting on a really nice suit. You feel so polished, so accomplished, so ... professional. Sure I wouldn't want to wear one every day, but a night of trying various suits on was actually quite a bit of fun!
* The holiday season is officially kicking my ass though. Between the interviews, the job hunt, trying to still be productive in my current position, the increase in social engagements because of the time of year, the shopping, the card writing ... I'm stretched a little thin. Ok, a lot thin. To the point that there's the possibility that I had a teensy weensy break down while in Maine with my family this weekend that carried over into my Monday. The Holiday Blues have taken themselves to a whole other level with me this year, and I attribute most of it to the stress of trying to look for a new job while in the middle of one of the most chaotic months of the year. I'm really looking forward to 2007 at this point.
* Speaking of 2007, let's talk about what my 2007 Red Sox are going to look like. Oh wait, I really couldn't tell you. Are we going to get Matsusaka? Did I even spell that right? Do I even care? This offseason has really frustrated me. I mean, the offseason always does, I hate the rumors, the whispers, the hey-this-could-be-true shit. But this season it seems like the Red Sox, and really the MLB in general, are throwing money around like it's just paper with no value attached. What happened to the days of the Sox farm system being the top priority? Of homegrown talent? Of small-name deals instead of blockbuster salaries? The Sox are moving in a direction I am not entirely comfortable with, to be honest. I'm going to miss guys like Trot. And it'd be nice to have a shortstop stick around for more than a season. I guess we'll see how this all shakes out, but I'm not feeling totally confident in my hometown team.
* I never told you about the second Ryan Adams show! Great set list, but holy hell was the audience annoying! To the point that he cut the show short because people kept yelling at him to play certain songs. Now, I understand that people do this from time to time, but not only was it constant, RA actually told them to stop doing it multiple times. It was bad enough that it even started pissing ME off and it's not even like I'm a huge Ryan Adams fan.
Ok, I think that's it for now, hope you're all having a great Tuesday!Labels: music, Red Sox, sports, Unemployment |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, December 12, 2006   |
And it'd be nice to have a Defense against the Dark Arts professor stick around for more than a year. ;-)
Yeah. I hate the baseball offseason. The only way I find to deal with it is never get too invested in any of the rumors or "done" deals anymore (easier said than done). It helps being in NY to a point and not the Boston area.
Good luck with the interviews FINY.
Good luck with the interviews. I'm going through the process and while I couldn't justify spending a crapload on a new suit that I absolutely loved last week, I totally get the concept behind it. Maybe when it goes on sale...
I am not sure about this whole Matsuzaka thing.... I hope it works out.
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And it'd be nice to have a Defense against the Dark Arts professor stick around for more than a year. ;-)
Yeah. I hate the baseball offseason. The only way I find to deal with it is never get too invested in any of the rumors or "done" deals anymore (easier said than done). It helps being in NY to a point and not the Boston area.
Good luck with the interviews FINY.