Sunday, March 13, 2005 |
A Weekend to Myself |
In the last couple of weeks I have been woefully neglecting myself. I'd been pulled into The Welshman's world, going out every night with the British crew (who I adore, don't get me wrong) but it had been a long time since I was without them.
This weekend was/is fantastic. On Friday night I met up with everyone at Pat Obrien's. We drank cheap beer, played beer pong (I kicked ASS by the way. It's always amusing seeing the looks on guys faces when a girl beats the living hell out of them at a "frat boy" game.) and I ended up crashing at my friend R's apartment. R has been a friend since high school, and he and his fiance A live on the upper east side. We got up the next morning, had breakfast together and just hung around for a while, and it was just really great to catch up with them. Hear about the wedding plans, talk about old friends. It'd been easily a month since we'd done that and it felt a lot like coming home in a way.
I got back to Brooklyn at around noon. MM and MG were in the process of reporting our landlord to the city. That's right, we're without heat. AGAIN. And all of the numbers he'd given us had been disconnected. So we all got together with our neighbors upstairs and now have the city investigating him. This is a last resort move as we had wanted to keep things as civil as possible with him, but this is the 6th time this winter that our heat has gone off, and by law he is required to fix it. So we'll see how THAT goes.
Anyway, so last night I went to see my friend, Sara Wendt play a show at the Living Room down on Ludlow Street. Sara is supremely talented and as always played a great set. All my former coworkers were there, It was just so much fun. We hopped to another bar afterwards and then I met up with my childhood friend JH at yet ANOTHER bar. We all had a wonderful time, and now I have an entire Sunday planned all for me.
I'm going into the office, I have some errands to run, and a TON of stuff to do around the house. I'm just happy today. And content. I lost sight of the fact that I have my own life for a while. But I'm back now. And I couldn't be happier about it. |
posted by FINY @ Sunday, March 13, 2005   |