Tuesday, March 08, 2005 |
Happy New Day |
There are two things I do before getting on the subway every morning. I buy my large coffee, light and sweet, from my coffee cart guy, and I buy my New York Post from the little old man who sells them right next to the station. The little old man who sells me my Post always has it ready and waiting when I walk up, at times even making sure to save the last copy for me. And every morning, without fail, after giving him my quarter he says (in a very thick accent, of origin unknown) "Happy New Day".
Most days I smile, wish him a good day, and make my way down the subway. This morning, for various reasons, that comment really hit me. In the past couple of weeks I haven't been posting at all. I've been completely consumed by the kind of drama that only the men in my life can provide.
But walking into the subway today my newspaper man's words rang true. It's a new day. A new start. And as fucking cliche as that is it's the idea I am going to hang on to right now. A month ago I had no idea these two men would walk into my life, and now I am walking out of the situation with some great new friends (The Welshman's friends have sort of enveloped me at this point) and there's nothing bad about meeting new people. So who knows what comes next. It's a new day, and I'm ready for it. |
posted by FINY @ Tuesday, March 08, 2005   |